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Drawn to Nature
Banisteriopsis caapi
Citation:   jackthestripper. "Drawn to Nature: An Experience with Banisteriopsis caapi (exp73867)". Apr 6, 2020.

  oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
I had no experiences with ayahuasca prior to the one which occurred this summer. I ordered two cross sections of yellow ayahuasca vine, as I am always happy to try new hallucinogens. The cross sections were about four inches across, 1.5 inches thick, and I recall thinking that they must have taken years to reach that size. A friend was with me that evening, also to partake in the experiment, so the dose came to one cross section each.

The vines proved very tough, so we slowly simmered them whole for about three hours, chopping them up and pressing them with a jar towards the end to extract all the potential, and adding more water when necessary. The finished product was a dark tan juice, with some wood fibers from chopping it up. The juice did not smell bad, just strange, unusual. The taste was not pleasant so to speak: sour, bitter and woody. I liked it, because it tasted very real. We thanked the gods and drank the earth.

We each had just one nice glass of the brew, and to be honest I did not expect anything to happen, as there were only two pieces (two ounces, as I recall), and we cooked it very thoroughly.

About 30-45 minutes later, I felt like going out into the night. J was strumming his guitar, and the two other guys with us were drunk and rambling at each other. I was expecting to get sick, which did not happen. Once I made it to the end of the old dirt road, I realized that I was tripping. Not hard, not light, just so perfect. I closed my eyes and walked back without looking. I kept stumbling off the road and giggling. I heard the coy dogs off in the fields. I was just where I wanted to be, which is a rare occurence in my life. I walked up and down the road again, with eyes closed, voicing my love for nature out loud and stroking the tree branches like a lover's hands. When I returned, I layed down in the tall grasses of the field. I had never felt a connection with nature on that level before.
I had never felt a connection with nature on that level before.

In conclusion, I did not hallucinate extremely hard off the ayahuasca brew, but the connection I felt with my natural surroundings was completely new, like a moment of contentment that is difficult to describe. Within a few hours my freinds and I fell asleep in the living room, in the dark, listening to music, with peace surrounding.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73867
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 6, 2020Views: 1,232
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Banisteriopsis caapi (169) : Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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