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A Meeting of the Minds
Citation:   Adrian. "A Meeting of the Minds: An Experience with LSD (exp73933)". Jan 23, 2020.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It was Spring of 1993. It was my 3rd year away at school. I was involved in a tumultuous relationship that was formed under the influence of Ecstasy, LSD, and alcohol.

My then boyfriend ( I will refer to him as Ryan ) and I had been arguing over several issues. We both came from broken homes, and several character flaws and insecurities. Ryan and I had both done our fair share of X, acid, shrooms and other substances in our first 3 years in college. He was the first guy I met when I moved into my apartment, thus; opening up a whole new world to me. These new experiences started off great. Then things seem to get a little out of control. We did more drugs and stopped focusing on school.

We started hanging out with a new group of people and one guy in particular that seemed to have a strange effect on people. He had a somewhat of an evil presence to him, and because of that I did not trust him. He had given me a ring of his to wear. One night while tripping, I saw the most amazing stuff in this ring. There were words that spoke to me. The next day I took it off. He gave the ring to a few people. Yet no one wanted it. It was almost as if we tried to get rid of it, and it was just keep coming back. My boyfriend was intrigued by him, and mentioned some strange things that occurred while they tripped together. I didn’t believe him until it happened between my boyfriend and I.

It was a Saturday night, and my boyfriend suggested that we take some strips of LSD. We decided to drop around 10pm and lock ourselves in my room, so that we could “talk” about our relationship problems.

We began to peak and the conversation grew deeper. We really began to examine how we felt about one another, good and bad. At one point I went to talk to my roommate. She was upset with me at the time, as she didn’t approve of me getting back together with Ryan, even though they had been best friends prior to my relationship with him.

As I was in her room, I lost focus of the conversation. The room grew even darker and I felt as if my mind was about to go into another dimension. A dimension that I feared I may not come back from. As I had seen friends go on a trip and never fully return to reality. I fought this in my mind and got myself together. It was scary to feel as though I was loosing control. I felt as if my mind was going into a black hole. Somewhere that I would loose control of myself and not know what I would be doing or saying. It took a strong mind to fight myself back to the reality of where I was and that I was just tripping, hard.

I got up and went back into the room with Ryan. We began talking again, then it happened. We began talking without moving our lips. We both realized we were talking telepathically. It became very intense, as there was nothing to hide about how I felt about him. He asked me (with out speaking) if I really loved him. My thoughts began to say, NO. I didn’t speak it, but could see him getting upset by what he just read in my mind.
I didn’t speak it, but could see him getting upset by what he just read in my mind.
I quickly changed what I was thinking in my head. We couldn’t believe we were talking without speaking. I was also worried I would be stuck like this forever, and he would always know what I was thinking.

We walked downstairs to find my roommate getting breakfast. She was mad at both of us. Ryan and I discussed to each other, in our minds how we felt about her. I couldn’t believe that we could communicate like this. It was amazing, yet frightening at the same time.

As the acid wore off, so did this 6th sense. For a few days after the experience, I could almost sense what someone was going to say. It was exhilarating, but also the last time I did LSD. I felt my mind had enough, and I moved on and vowed to not do it again. My 3yrs of consistent use came to an end.

To this day, if I tell the story, everyone looks at me as if it was just a hallucination. But, you can’t have a conversation with someone without speaking and the two of you call it a shared hallucination. It happened. I’m confident about that. The LSD that night opened up a new part of our brains, which most people don’t ever experience. It was an amazing experience.

Exp Year: 1993ExpID: 73933
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 23, 2020Views: 820
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