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A Suprisingly Powerful Seed
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   SexyTime. "A Suprisingly Powerful Seed: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp74154)". Jul 16, 2018.

10 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
    oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Previous psychoactive experience: marijuana, alcohol, salvia, mushrooms, ecstasy, nitrous, nutmeg

I first tried Hawaiian Baby Woodrose as an attempt to try new psychoactive substances that are unscheduled, as to avoid any possible possession charges. My first experience was very disappointing; the second was a mind blowing journey. I ordered both sets of seeds from different online vendors; however I bought the second set of seeds from one of the many “shaman extract” sites that sell them. They cost a little more that the first ones, but were well worth the extra money. I took one Dramamine immediately before both attempts.

I used different preparation methods for each attempt. The first time, I flamed and scraped off the outside husk (I read that it contains cyanide that makes you vomit), then crushed seeds as best I could using a pair of pliers. Then I dropped the crushed seeds in about half a cup of hot distilled water, and waited for the water to return to room temperature before swallowing the whole mixture. This attempt produced no noticeable effects, not even the nausea that most experiences describe.

The second time, I decided to throw caution to the wind and leave the seed husks fully intact. I again crushed them with the pliers before putting them all in my mouth. I chewed them up for as long as I could, and swallowed them once the taste became too vile. I washed them down with normal bottled water.

I began feeling a little strange about 10 minutes after eating the crushed seeds. The nausea didn’t show up until about 40 minutes into the experience. The nausea was nothing compared to some of the other experience I read about on Erowid. My stomach felt a little upset, but nothing more than it would during a mild hangover and I was not even close to vomiting. I believe that the Dramamine helped a lot to make this whole experience much more enjoyable.

After an hour, I started to feel extremely lethargic and weighed down. I got into bed, and found that if I stared at the popcorn ceiling it would begin to shift to the left and right. Then I discovered that I could connect the dots on the ceiling to create patterns and shapes. I remember telling my roommate that I think I discovered how people came up with all those crazy constellations. The music I was listening to became much more visual, as the ceiling shifted in rhythm with the songs. I also noticed the gradual onset of a sort of body high, much like the beginning of a mushroom trip. This occupied the first hour and a half of the experience.

From there I walked to the other room and watched about an hour of a rerun of the presidential debate. Listening to them talk about the economy and other complex issues proved to be very stimulating, and I felt as if I fully understood every facet of the issues they discussed. At that point I decided to take a look at my pupils and found that they had grown so that there was no color left in my eye. I then returned to the comfort of my bed, and spend the rest of the trip staring out my window at the trees as they seemed to be entirely comprised of spirals of color. The ceiling of my room was now a giant rotating spectrum of color, which would shift in three dimensions if I stared at one spot.

The body high that I described earlier had now transformed into something totally different. It felt like taking a back massager or something and pressing it up against your head as vibrations coursed throughout my entire body. In my brain I could hear the sound of an air chisel or some other pneumatic tool, which corresponded with the vibrations.

There were many moments of euphoria throughout the journey as I learned many of the secrets of the psychedelic world. One thing I liked about the HBW seeds was that they gave me many of the visuals of a mushroom trip, without the deep introspective side of the experience. There were moments of deep thought, but for the most part the whole journey was quite superficial.

I hope this account helps anyone considering delving into the world of LSA.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74154
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2018Views: 934
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Personal Preparation (45), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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