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Outside Looking In
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Heather. "Outside Looking In: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp7417)". Feb 27, 2003.

  oral Mushrooms (tea)
I am nineteen and live in Iowa. I am a raver, a big fan of folk music, and find nothing more incredible than my friends and music. Two weeks ago I entered a world of euphoria I have yet to understand. It was about 11:00pm amd a friend of mine and myself decided to make some tea with the shrooms we had. At 11:45 my world was more amazing than words can even begin to describe. Let me first tell you about myself....

I have a severe obsession with camera angles. (I am a communications major, and have been actively involved with video production since I was a freshman in high school) I can be sitting in a room with friends, making out with someone, or even be in the car, and thoughts of where cameras can be placed, or how I could edit a piece of my everyday life together for a film, will fill my mind. On this night I felt as though my very dreams had come true. Every where I looked lights flooded in, glistening off of everyones face, as if I were on a movie set. All night faces would glow as if they were covered in stage makeup. Every time I would focus on a paticular scene long enough I would have flashbacks to movies I had seen. Houses, trees, cars, and people looked as if they were part of a set. One vivd image of the evening I remember most was when I was out on the front step, my friend and I looking out into the world, two houses across the street, both with white front porches and rocking chairs, behind us the front light left a mellow glow across the backs of our shoulders, and a gentle mist fell from the sky.

The two of us in our own seperate worlds, yet in a world together where no one could harm us and no one could could come in. There was saftey of knowing we had each other and we didn't even have to utter a word.
The night was by far more unreal than any world I had ever been in. At 3:00am everyone returned from the bar giddy and loud, I couldn't bear the noise so I headed down to my car where I sat alone for 30 mins. I was about to see myself in a way I will never forget. (not in this life time or any other) I flipped down my mirror, so I could check my pupils. Something was pulling me in, I could not look away. I stared deep into my eyes, I couldn't stop. I was being pulled further and further in. I finally blinked, but I was not there any more. I blinked again but this time I was on the other side. I was on the outside looking in. I could see my self, not my reflection but my self. I could see the way I felt, I could see me the way I can see everyone else.

There I was looking at myself. As the mins. passed I could see my thoughts, my soul, and dreams. That night truly opened my eyes. It gave me the power to believe that no matter what happens in life I am ok. I am safe and I am free. I have so much to offer the world and the world has so much to offer me, and my journey has only begun.

The worlds we dare to conquer are rare and vast, but our mind, well our mind is more rare and more vast than any world we dare to conquer. So please fellow friends, brothers, and sisters, take a journey through your mind, find out what makes you so beatiful, find out what makes you free....

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7417
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2003Views: 8,922
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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