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Cured My PTSD
by G
Citation:   G. "Cured My PTSD: An Experience with Paroxetine (exp74213)". Feb 7, 2022.

10 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine
My overall experience with Paxil has been fantastic. I did not go through any withdrawal effects or anything. This is odd, since almost every report I’ve read about Paxil describes it as being a ‘highly addictive drug with awful withdrawal symptoms.” Whether my body chemistry is unique, or I just have a very non-addictive personality, I do not know; however, I wanted to show that Paxil experiences are not always bad.

I was sent to my doctor for nausea/dizziness/lethargy problems. The doctor said I must have a stomach virus, because he found nothing wrong with me. Well, a week later I was still feeling the same way. This was extremely detrimental to my school life, as I had to miss school due to my constant vomiting, etc. I visited the doctor again and, frustratingly, we couldn’t figure anything out. Now, not only was I releasing fluids from both ends, I was also angry and depressed. I was failing in school now, and I hadn’t seen my friends in ages.

I started to get very moody at about this time. So, I went to a therapist so I could talk about my frustration with my unsolved illness. After telling my therapist a little about myself, she said she knew what was wrong. She said I had PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

At a young age, my father was sent to prison. It was an awful experience for my whole family. Unfortunately, I dealt with it the worst way possible; I completely blocked it out and pretended that nothing had happened. I was simply vacant for months after the experience. I didn’t feel sad, but I didn’t feel happy. I didn’t sleep. I didn’t eat. I was like a vegetable.

“This is delayed reaction to your father being sent to prison,” said my therapist. “You never dealt with it or talked about it, and now your anger and sadness is transforming itself into anxiety. You’re nausea is completely anxiety-related.” That’s what my therapist told me, and I had trouble believing it. But after numerous visits back, I determined it must be true. She prescribed me Paxil.

The first 3 days of using Paxil was ineffective (as I was told it would be). Around the 4th or 5th day, though, I began to feel better. I was no longer vomiting, and I was finally getting good sleep. I was so relieved, as exams were coming up. That year ended with me getting into UC Berkeley and feeling emotionally stable, and I know that it was all thanks to Paxil.

After taking the pill for about 6 months, I felt confident in myself that I now had the ability to be emotionally stable without the help from Paxil. By this time I had read numerous reports about the withdrawal effects of Paxil, so I prepared myself for the worst. Amazingly, I felt no side effects. Although my feelings began to take a sharper tone than when I was under Paxil, I still did not feel like I was a different person after taking and quitting Paxil.

Paxil is a miracle drug that will solve all one's problems. All I am saying is it worked for me.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74213
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 7, 2022Views: 687
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4)

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