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Dreamt While Awake, Lucidly and Vividly
Citation:   Jesse. "Dreamt While Awake, Lucidly and Vividly: An Experience with Morphine (exp74228)". Erowid.org. Oct 7, 2017. erowid.org/exp/74228

15 mg rectal Morphine  
  7.5 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  7.5 mg insufflated Morphine (pill / tablet)
I had tried oxycodone, codeine, and hydrocodone up until this point. About a week ago, I stumbled upon two morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets, 30mg. I decided to take it in a few different ways at once, so I broke the pill in half. One half, I took rectally, and the other I broke in half again, taking a quarter by mouth and the second quarter nasally. I waited approximately 4 hours before feeling the strong opiate high.

It wasn't strong enough, though, so I read up on a reputable website about morphine experiences. From what I could tell the experience peaked at around 6 hours for the certain pill I had, MS Contin 30mgs, which made sense because they are supposedly a 12 hour time release. But, I felt that if the peak was only 2 hours away, I'd be okay with getting away with another.

So, I smashed up the entire pill, took out the bigger pieces of pill-coating, and snorted the thing in 4 lines. Not even twenty minutes had passed before I was feeling one of the most pleasant buzzes ever. By this time it was about 11:00 at night, and I knew that opiates would make me stay awake, so I turned off my lights and lay in bed, eyes closed. I dreamt while awake, lucidly and vividly.

The next day I was remembering these images while still feeling a very strong opiate buzz. The day after that I could still barely feel the buzz, and it eventually subsided and melted into sobriety.

I love morphine, by far the best opiate I have ever taken. It lasted an entire two days after I had taken it, with no withdrawal symptoms. The urge to take more quickly subsided and was not hard at all to overcome. I know that I will be using this drug again in the future : )

It just felt so good.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74228
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2017Views: 4,637
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Morphine (211) : General (1), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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