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Unbelievably Stoned
Citation:   Batman. "Unbelievably Stoned: An Experience with Caffeine (exp7464)". Erowid.org. Jun 9, 2003. erowid.org/exp/7464

200 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
I was at a local town event where people could freely spend the night at the high school football field. I was getting tired around 7 PM for some reason, and I was pissed. If I wanted to be out all night, I couldn't get tired now!

Me and my friend, who was also feeling tired, walked up to a local 7-11. I went inside and bought a drink called 'BOMBA'. It was a bottle shaped like a grenade. It gave the ammount of caffeine on the side, but you needed to convert it, and I was too lazy. So I bought 2 and chugged them both.

By time we had walked back we were both feeling more awake, and I a little hyper (I expected that...). We sat down and talked with some friends for an hour or so. Then I went to stand up...

As soon as I got to my feet, I felt unbelievably stoned. I fell right over. I then stood back up and attempted to walk. I had to keep grabbing on to things. I was frightened cuz I had no idea why this was happening. I walked a little bit more and tripped.

My friend, who had drank 2 as well came up to me and asked if I was alright. I told him I wasnt sure. He wasnt experiencing anything. I was so confused as to why I was.

This lasted about an hour. I was stumbling around, being laughed at, but I didn't care. After I realized what was happening (although I didn't know why) I was cool with it, and just walked it off I guess.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7464
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 9, 2003Views: 6,903
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Caffeine (11) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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