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True Meaning of Halloween
LSD & Alcohol (Beer)
Citation:   Gonzo. "True Meaning of Halloween: An Experience with LSD & Alcohol (Beer) (exp74781)". Oct 30, 2020.

20 mg   Amphetamines  
  1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated   Cocaine  
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
It was two day ago. Halloween night. I had worn my costume to work that day. A bucket cap, light, large avaitor sunglasses, a green Hawaiian-print shirt, and retro seventies-style bleached white pair of khaki shorts, topped off with a cigarette holder compiled the necessary components to my costume. I was dressed as Hunter S. Thompson.

My work day ended at 5:00 PM on that 31 or October. I ate the Acid that I had aquired prior to that day. Two days ago to be exact. I bought it from my friend 'Keef.' He had noted to me that It was strong. I wish I knew what I was up for.

The previous time that I had taken acid was over three years ago. It was the last day of class and my friend S had precured it. It was no where newar a quarter the strength of this stuff.

Well, I took the tab in my car at my office parking lot. I then drove an hour to my friend 'keef's' place. There I sat as my world changed. My ego was stripped of everything I knew of myself. For that night I was to be Gonzo.

My friend 'Steve' got off work at 9:00 PM. He was costumed as a thug from A Clockwork Orange. He helped my through the come-up. I was slowly transformed into my new life over two hours. After the adderall earlier in the day, the cocaine a few minutes ago, the pot at the same time as the coke, the acid, and the beers, I was feeling good. I was to search for the American Dream. Whether or not I found it was not the issue. For damn sure I was going to try, though.

Ten o' clock cam around and I was finished peaking. The racing thoughts had become manageable and the visuals did not consume all of my vision. We set course for our favorite bar. He drove. We arrive at a parking lot, but it was full. I convinced him to park at my previous plave of employment, the local bicycle shop. We started the three-block journey to the bar. My visuals were surging again, as I passed people dressed as monsters, and even scarier, current politicains.

'Hunter,' they said. 'Where is your attourney?'

'Dr. Gonzo?' I questioned. He left town at the last minute. 'Steve' was supposed to be him. He abandoned the idea at the last minute. Whatever. He was my sober babysitter. He was my connection to reality.

We arrived at the bar. The bouncer asked for my ID. I told him 'I don't know what that is exactly.' I accused him of mocking me. 'Steve' had my provisions and have my ID to the bouncer for me. He let me in under the conditions that I made no trouble. I couldn't promise anything.

The bar was filled with characters. No one of importance, though. No one took the spirit of Halloween as seriously as myself. Hoaaloween is about valuing those who we admire and who have fallen. Not the spirits of those whom are alive.

We find seating at the bar. 'An Octoberfest,' I demanded the bartender. She was dressed like a man. I knew her, but not tonight. More people were mocking me. Their distorted faces were melting and distoring. Their voices morphed and illusive.

The live music started. A rock band. True rock-and-roll. Four local guys dressed like indians. All rocking tight as Hell. I jammed for the whole hour.

Smoking cigarettes was fun. So much so that I smoked a whole pack of them. Twice. I met so many people that I knew but couldn't recognize. I talked in character all night. I no longer existed. I was Dr. Thimpson that night.

People were making shout-outs like I cared. I only wanted strong drink. The hallucinations made communication difficult. I was in my own world.

The night ended with a trip back to 'Keef's' place. After anouther gram of cocaine, I smoked 5 more bowls. Nothing phased me. The acid still had the dominant hold on my psyche. It wasn't until 5:00 AM that I could fall asleep. I slept untul 9:00 AM feeling refreshed and rejuvilized.

That night I had found the true meaning of halloween. Not to be funny, have the best costume, or try to get laid by a hot girl in a slut costume, but to find myself as someone else. To act out my wildest fantacies. To wear the ego of another. I had the best time of my life that night.

If I could, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74781
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2020Views: 937
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LSD (2), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Club / Bar (25)

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