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I Am Still Detoxing From It
Citation:   Red Afterburn. "I Am Still Detoxing From It: An Experience with Tramadol (exp74786)". Sep 12, 2016.

400 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (daily)
Tramadol: Extremely Addictive

I found that I got an energy boost and mood elevation from just one 50mg tablet a day in the beginning. After a year I was up to 8 tablets a day, the maximum recommended dosage per day. By then I had a pronounced ringing in my ears, my urine had a chemical odor, and I was becoming stupid and unable to concentrate. I was a nasty bastard if I started to run low on them. People noticed I stared off into space a lot. It will also constipate me as badly as Morphine or Heroin. And forget about sex, too. I'll never achieve an orgasm. Some fun, eh?

If I ran out for some reason, I had even worse tinnitus, fatigue, and depression. Some users withdrawing have the ear ringing and 'brain zaps', a type of electric shock that seems to originate in the brain.

I quit Tramadol two months ago and still have the ringing in my ears. The mood swings and fatigue were gone in about a week, along with flu-like sneezing and nose blowing. My urine still smells a little funny so I am still detoxing from it.

Since 1970, I have walked away from coke, pot, speed, alcohol, and a 2 pack a day cigarette habit by going cold turkey with few problems. However, I never took anything long term before. I took Tramadol for almost two years and it was a stone cold bitch to withdraw from. Look at the many Internet Forums on Tramadol Addiction if you doubt what I say.

My Pharmacist friend (currently in rehab for Ativan/Lorazepam addiction) was afraid of Tramadol and thought it should be black listed. She read me the riot act for messing around with it. She advised me to get enough of them to slowly withdraw over a 1 month period. It wasn't that bad but the first week really was a write-off. Many people need to enter a rehab program to stop using Tramadol after long term use. I'm lucky I can just walk away when I decide I'm done with something, but this was not easy for me in this case.

Please avoid Tramadol unless a physician says you have a legitimate need to take it. At least you won't have to worry about running out and experiencing 'brain zaps', depression, and a complete power failure that confines you to your bed for several days. I hope this will help somebody avoid this trap if they read this. Blessed Be my friends.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 12, 2016Views: 2,958
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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