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A Drunken Mistake Turned Amazing
Mirtazapine & Alcohol
Citation:   Khanz. "A Drunken Mistake Turned Amazing: An Experience with Mirtazapine & Alcohol (exp74861)". Jul 21, 2010.

60 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  750 ml oral Alcohol (liquid)
  215 mg oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (pill / tablet)
In late 2007 my doc gave me a bottle of 15 mg remeron tablets for depression and insomnia. I tried taking half a tablet the first night, as instructed. They worked extremely well but I awoke the next morning feeling extremely hung over. So I decided to stop taking them. I had the bottle sitting in my bedside table until one night in the early summer when I was out drinking and partying. I had drinking quite a bit, about 3/4 a liter throughout the night. Finally at about 1:30 am I decided to go home and go to bed. I got home brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I took one of my brothers Ritalin (60 mg's) for work earlier that day. I lay awake for about 30 minutes trying to fall asleep until I had a 'great idea'. I remembered that I had a few remeron in my bedside table. Since I was decently intoxicated I didn't have very good judgment so I decided to take the whole bottle. That's where my story begins:

(2:30) Decently intoxicated, just took 215 mg's of remeron tablets.

(2:45) Feel a bit drowsy, don't know if its from the booze or remeron.

(3:00) I tried to go upstairs to get something to eat. I only made it to the couch before falling over and getting extremely confused.

(3:15) Stumble back in bed not really caring about anything. Suddenly I get this extreme euphoric feeling. Similar to xanax except more physically exhausted.

(3:20) I can't move. I'm frozen solid in a dream like state similar to ambien except way more intense. My lamp is appearing to melt and the walls of the room sway with each blink of my eyes. I feel on the enclosed in this frozen world forever. I close my eyes, and suddenly feel connected to my mattress. There is a kaleidoscope of colors. This is where my memory fades.

(5:00 p.m. the next day) I finally awake dead state and feel physically and mentally exhausted. I suddenly realize that I work at 5:30 and 'scramble' out of bed. I stumble upstairs and into the shower. I feel like I am straining every muscle in my body just to stay standing. Suddenly I fall over. I finish my shower with much difficulty and realize that there is no way I could go make pizzas at my work. I decided to call in sick. Good thing I did because I was in no state to do anything. I ended up watching TV on the couch until about 10:00 then fell asleep. I awoke the next day at about 10:00 a.m. feeling fine.

In conclusion I realize how stupid taking a bottle of sleeping meds and drinking was. I researched their drug interactions with one another and found out I was lucky that I didn't die.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74861
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2010Views: 19,971
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Alcohol (61), Pharms - Mirtazapine (311) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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