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Great Synergy and Pressure-Drop Dissociation
Sceletium tortuosum, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   Lentils. "Great Synergy and Pressure-Drop Dissociation: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp74960)". Jul 22, 2019.

  smoked Sceletium tortuosum
    smoked Cannabis
    smoked Tobacco
I am seventeen and love to experiment with all sorts of chemicals. I was thus very happy to have the afternoon to myself because one of my classes was canceled. I pulled my tiny bag of kanna out from my sustance cache and decided to give mesembrine a first try.

Having read on the kannabis synergy, I decided that smoking the kanna with cannabis would be the most enjoyable method to start with, so I loaded a hookah bowl with a mix of flavoured tobacco, kanna and cannabis. I did not take exact measurments, but I put about .1 gram of kanna and .2 gram of cannabis with the bowl of tobacco. My tolerance to cannabis seems abnormally low these days, maybe due to recent use of DXM, but it's also some pretty good cannabis. I usually smoke cannabis in moderate amounts about once a week, but sometimes I smoke much more in a single weekend.

I prepared the hookah, sat down, lit up the coal and started taking deep tokes, first only tasting the tobacco, then noticing the familiar taste of cannabis and the new taste of kanna. The smoke was held easily, but I seemed to dehydrate a bit faster than with cannabis alone.

About halfway through the bowl, I started to 'taste my mouth' strongly, which is for me the first telltale sign of cannabis intoxication, even before any light-headedness. I concentrated on the growing effects, and found that they had an added edge compared to cannabis alone.

I then stood up to get some water as I was feeling very dehydrated. As I was going down the stairs, I was hit by orthostatic hypotension (pressure drop from getting up too quickly); I felt my legs wobbling, but held tight on the handrail. My vision filled itself with complex phosphene-like visuals, and for what felt like hours but must have lasted 5-10 seconds, I found myself strangely dissociated, my thoughts exploding in every direction while I was struggling to not end up falling down on my face. I am glad nobody was around to see this; I was basically losing and regaining my balance many times per second, and probably would have looked like I was having a seizure.

I could have ended up fainting, falling down and losing my front teeth, but looking back it was also very intense and the abstract visuals I saw left me amazed for the whole trip. I also had slight, choppy trails for a short while after this; definately different from my usual cannabis high. I might end up trying the pressure drop trick again on purpose just for kicks (maybe with a nearby bed to crash on this time).

When I regained most of my senses, I got some water, went back upstairs and finished the bowl. Once it was empty, I was thoroughly baked. I got up, slowly this time, and emptied and cleaned the hookah, and then prepared myself some (read: lots of) food, and came to the conclusion that there is no apetite loss from the kanna for me. I took a shower and then layed down, listening to music for the remainder of a great, mostly cannabis-like trip. Nothing very insightful, just lots of euphoria, drifting thoughts, powerful music appreciation and well-being, as well as the great feeling I get whenever I discover a new enjoyable high.

The kanna definately added something to the experience, though it is very hard to say just exactly what. I will probably have to further sacrifice my body and mind for the sake of science, in order to be able to tell the effects of the kannabis combination from cannabis or kanna alone. Kanna costs 5$/gram at my usual headshop, making it a pretty cheap cannabis potentiator.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 22, 2019Views: 1,736
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Sceletium tortuosum (179), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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