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Passed Out But Not an Overdose
GHB (Xyrem)
by B.D.
Citation:   B.D.. "Passed Out But Not an Overdose: An Experience with GHB (Xyrem) (exp75004)". Nov 12, 2008.

T+ 0:00
6.0 g oral GHB
  T+ 4:00 3.0 g oral GHB
Recently I signed up for a medical study involving GHB. I am a tiny female (5'1, 105lbs) and I have been given doses up to 9 grams from certified doctors. Mind you, I have been through several medical tests before given these doses but have been told that a generally healthy person with no respiratory problems, heart problems, or blood problems should have no problem taking this much GHB. I also had developed no tolerance to the drug before taking this amount.

I was initially prescribed GHB during clinical research trials to see its effect on reducing pain and sleep problems with patients. After undergoing several tests (blood test, urine tests, and EKG), I was given the prescription for Xyrem and was told to take 6 grams directly before bed and set an alarm clock for four hours later, which I would take 3 more grams. Doses varied depending on what week of the study I was on. I initially started out with a dosage of 6 grams total a night for one week, and upped it to 7 and eventually mixed between 8 and 9 grams. Effects of such large doses hit me incredibly hard and I was definitely passed out, sometimes not even waking up for my alarm clock to take more. I have been told that GHB leaves the body within a few
hours so the fact that I never had an overdose experience may be attributed to this. I can also imagine that people with faster metabolisms would be able to handle larger doses more frequently as well. In case of an emergency in the house, I would have definitely slept right through it so on nights I was supposed to take GHB, I warned my brother and asked him to check on me.

Even under doctor's care, I was still timid to take the medicine without first informing those around me. It was impossible for me to stay awake on the 4 gram + doses of GHB except for one time when I experimented with a small dose with the intention of NOT going to bed. I believe I took 1 gram or 1.5 grams. I felt an overall feeling of being drunk with a sort of 'I don't give a damn' attitude but experienced none of the 'ecstasy' like feelings GHB has been known to induce. I'd also like to note that during this research study, I was not allowed to take any type of medication other than a small dose of Tylenol if ABSOLUTELY necessary and obviously was not allowed alcohol or other drugs. Therefore, I had no chance of having a reaction with any other drug or chemical in my body besides the food I ingested. I found that even if I ate right before taking my dose, because they were so heavy, the eating had little effect on the time of onset of the drug. Once I got to a certain point of taking between a total of 6 and 9 grams a night, it is hard to differentiate the effects as 6 grams made me pass out incredibly hard and 9 grams had the same effect.

I would NOT recommend people taking large doses like this for recreational use and without doctor's care. It obviously helps for patients with insomnia and narcolepsy but I believe anything over than 6 grams is quite unnecessary unless a person is of large stature. Again, everyone's body is different and I am sure there are little to no recreational drug users who take blood tests, EKG's and urine tests before trying a new drug.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75004
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2008Views: 15,190
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GHB (25) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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