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My World Closing In
Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
Citation:   Damon. "My World Closing In: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp75085)". Nov 14, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had read a lot about salvia, and really wanted to try it. So I ordered some online. Nine days later it arrived. It was 1 gram in a little clip-seal bag. I expected to smoke it in two goes. Man, was I wrong!

I packed a pinch of a legal herbal blend into the bowl first, just so I wouldn't waste any salvia. Then I packed some salvia and lit her up. It was smooth and I held it in for about 20 seconds. By the time I had exhaled it was already kicking in.

At first it felt like I was really stoned, way more than I had ever been on weed. It was like I was being taken somewhere. I tried to pull myself out of it, to no effect.
It was like I was being taken somewhere. I tried to pull myself out of it, to no effect.
I was taken deeper into the trip. I tried to leave my room, but it was as though everything outside my room no longer existed and I was scared. I have a sliding door in my room. To make my trip worse it was actually jammed. I was still trying to get out, but it was like the hallway outside my room had shrunk to about the width of three inches. I was scared shitless, my world was gone. I finally forced my door open and all I could really see was the tiles on the floor. I walked out to the lounge, by the time I got there the trip was wearing off. My Mum was sitting in the lounge. By this time I was in a total body sweat. I said to her I really don't feel good. Then I realized I was on salvia and it would be over soon. So I sat in the lounge with the fan on full and shut my mouth until it was over. The whole thing only lasted around 15 minutes.

I was scared to try it again, but did so later that night. Twice actually, with different but equally scary results. The next day I did it with a friend. I came to the conclusion this wasn't for me and threw the rest away.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75085
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2020Views: 544
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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