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Nothing Particularly Euphoric Afterwards
Citation:   frglee. "Nothing Particularly Euphoric Afterwards: An Experience with Midazolam (exp75086)". Jun 27, 2018.

  IV Pharms - Midazolam
Benzodiazepine/Midazolam Dentistry

I had to have 3 teeth out and as my roots are hard to shift by my dentist opted to have them done in hospital. I also get a bit anxious at the thought of having teeth pulled, due to previous bad experiences.'

The drug was administered through a canulla in the back of my hand ...nothing much happened after it was injected and the dental surgeon said that it would kick in in a minute or two. There was a sudden change to an altered state of being, everything went kind of grey and I kind of was there but couldn't really care any more about anything. I closed my eyes as I do not like watching dental work in progress....

The needles went into my gums for the extractions but I couldn't really feel them tho I was a bit annoyed about still being conscious for all of this horrible stuff. I could hear conversations, the dentist was training up a girl and she was actually doing the extractions under his supervision.

Oddly time seemed all over the place, almost like it was speeding up as it all happened very fast.
Oddly time seemed all over the place, almost like it was speeding up as it all happened very fast.
There seemed to be some difficulty with a root that disintegrated and I detected annoyance by the dentist and his student. But it was hard to say that I was conscious or that I was taking notice of stuff going on..they say the stuff is an amnesiac so maybe it affects short term memory stuff. A few cracks of the teeth coming out... I recall thinking how much easier this was than at my normal dentist's hand... then suddenly I was being asking to swing my legs off the table, get up and walk to a chair. Suddenly I was in a waiting room again and was asked to relax and sleep if I wanted.

There was nothing particularly euphoric afterwards as with propofol that I have previously had for surgery... no giggles or warm feelings. Just cold and clinical anxiety reduction by switching off half my brain for half an hour or so. Felt a bit giddy for the next 12 hours or so but by the next morning all the effects seemed to have gone.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75086
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 5,855
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Pharms - Midazolam (435) : Hospital (36), Medical Use (47), First Times (2)

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