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Let's Take Some More
Citation:   dysfunk707. "Let's Take Some More: An Experience with GHB (exp7511)". Jun 19, 2003.

  oral GHB (liquid)
Less than a week after graduating from high school, me and my friend decided to use up the GHB we had saved for about a month. We each started with 1 cap, or about 1 oz. The effects set in around 15-20 minutes later. We were immediately satisfied. We were stmbling around, laughing at everything.

We exerienced global confusion. We had a conversation about the level of our confusion. We came to the consensus that we could understand every word that was coming out of a person's mouth, but for the life of us, could not put them together into a coherent and cohesive sentence. We were very dizzy and failed miserably, every single field sobriety test that we tried to administer to each other.

We also both experienced mild euphoria, and noticed that we were in generally good moods.

20 or so minutes into the trip, we decided that we were ready for more. My companion took another whole cap, while I myself got greedy and decided to ingest another full cap. Approximately 20 minutes later, the second cap hit me, and hard. Confusion increased considerably. I remember sitting down on a bike rack and that is all i remember for the next 3 hours. I awoke in the hopspital with an IV, nasal trumpet, and heart monitors. Apparently, I had gone completely catatonic and unresponsive. My breathing becamse shallow and my pulse rate dropped for 59.

I began drooling after my friend and some other friends dragged me to a nearby friend's house. After an hour the paramedics were called, and I was admitted to the hospital. They administered narcane, which made me throw up, and kept me up all night, but had no other effects. After about 4 horus of administering the drug, all the effects were gone, and i was right as rain. However, my buddy got popped for possession of the half empy vial.

Word to the wise: GHB can be fun, but it's unpredictable. Never do it alone without a sitter.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7511
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2003Views: 6,953
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GHB (25) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Overdose (29), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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