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It Worked, but Was It Worth It?
Citation:   Billiam. "It Worked, but Was It Worth It?: An Experience with Melatonin (exp75185)". Feb 20, 2019.

3 mg insufflated Melatonin (ground / crushed)
I have been using Melatonin as a sleep aid off and on for over a year now with great results. Just as the bottle says, about 20 minutes after I take it, I feel drowsy and go to sleep. For some reason I was feeling experimental so I set up a test. I was going to take a single melatonin pill and crush it into a fine powder, insufflate the powder, and time how long it takes before I feel drowsy.

My roommates G and S helped with this by keeping time for me so I could spend more to focusing on my body. I snorted the little white pile and was surprised as to how gentle it was. I sat around waiting for the effects to kick in. My roommates made bets as to the exact minute count I would fall asleep. Much to G's delight, at exactly the minute mark he bet, 12th minute, I got extremely tired. I lay down and almost immediately fell asleep.

I normally am a light sleeper, but this evening I was not. I had crazy dreams and didn't wake once until my alarm went off. I felt fuzzier than normal when I awoke, but nothing that a shower didn't shake off.

I think that this method is not worth it. Although I gained 8 minutes of sleep and had much heavier sleep, I feel that the time gained is not worth the potential nasal damage I may have caused.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75185
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2019Views: 1,457
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Melatonin (94) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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