Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Positivity through DXM
by Greg
Citation:   Greg. "Positivity through DXM: An Experience with DXM (exp7520)". Jun 19, 2003.

360 mg oral DXM (liquid)
DXM is perfect for spiritual, Shamanic work.

Extended, responsible usage leads to

1. Positive mindset.
2. Comfort and a sense of purpose and place in the universe.
3. A desire and will to fulfill my dreams
4. Major reduction in anxiety, fears.
5. More accurate perception of personality and self.
6. Desire to train physical and mental fitness.
7. Desire to DANCE and to train body to dance.

Tussin teaches that 'it's all in the mind' and that we choose positivity through taking action and through mind control.

Treat the event as a ritual and only perform when called by it.


1. Indoors, night, red or black lighting

2. Upbeat music with positive messages in the lyrics. Anything from Om Records such as Mushroom Jazz, Om Lounge, San Francisco Sessions, is perfect.

3. Water bottles. (We also like a bottle with a little cranberry juice added.) Drink plenty.

4. Comfortable place to lie down in front of a good stereo. Blankets, many pillows. Or good lounge chair.

5. Tissues, lolly-pops, note pad and pens.

6. Sleeping masks

7. Comfortable clothes such as PJs.


Once, twice, sometimes three times per month.

Occasionally two nights in a row if one night's journey ends with the compelling feeling that work has been left incomplete and must be continued immediately.

Runs in phases- After a time (varies, perhaps 1-3 months) one feels that after a series of trips a stage of work has been completed and no trips are necessary until called to it again. Restarting happens once you lose the feeling of being centered and you feel called to it again.


1. Pour into champagne glasses.

2. To minimize discomfort of drinking we recommend having on hand cinammon Altoids, dried pinapple chunks, tea with honey and milk.

3. Pinch nose throughout drinking process.

4. Immediately brush teeth and suck on mints.

Side Effects

1. Some burping or gas.

2. Rare, brief nausea.


1. Only trip with people that you would consider bonding closely with.

2. Be prepared to communicate absolutely openly.

3. Recommended only for mature users. Must be willing to come face to face with one's true self. We recommend Tussin use only for self-help and growth even though growth and change are usually quite uncomfortable. The reward is that each growth step is cathartic and thus exhilarating.

Anxieties and tensions become avoidable with experience - Tussin demands obedience to its own rules. It channels me beautifully towards positivity yet it requires experience to understand what is being demanded. Tensions, discomforts and anxieties are signals for action and tell one of several things:

1. Something is on your mind and needs to be shared with the others present. Tussin does not allow me equivocation or ambiguity. I must discuss my issues directly without avoidance and beating around the bush.

2. I am having irrational fears. I eventually learned that Tussin forbids stinkin thinkin and that it will lead to spontaneous understanding of the causes of irrationality.

3. Best of all, bodily tensions can usually be turned into sheer pleasure by slowly beginning to move to the music and get the blood flowing, leading to spontaneous stretching and wiggling and eventually to dance. The more in shape I am (particularly through yoga and stretching) the more physical pleasure is experienced through dancing. Eventually, my body will beg to dance on Tussin and I must simply follow the pleasure inside the body and turn it into motion. (No rules apply to the dance - if the body feels like performing a silly walk then I go ahead and do it. Self-consciousness about movement during the dance deprives me of a beautiful, sensual experience.)

To our amusement, we have discovered that while it is impossible to walk normally, the urge is to crawl; by all means do this - nothing should be embarrasing while tripping. My body has complete coordination if I move rythmically from one place to another as though in a dance. Thus I find a groove any time I need to change location.


1. We recommend one 4 ounce bottle of extra strength Tussin. This works out to 360mg. Don't forget that only the cough syrup with 1 and no more active ingredient - dextromethorphan hydrobromide - should be used.

2. Users with anxiety problems should take 5mg of Valium or equivalent as well. This eventually becomes unnecessary.

3. To maximize your trips you will need high grade marijuana. (The kind that costs 4 times more) One good drag early on is more than sufficient. Later, another drag should be used to send the trip to higher realms.

4. Some light alcohol usage can enhance the effects.

Try to spend some quiet, meditative time on each trip. Lie down comfortably and cover eyes with a sleeping mask, sunglasses or pillows. Total comfort is vital. For this stage some trippy music is perfect. (See our music suggestions at the end).

Nudity feels great but be wary of being cold - it can be difficult to realize that you are cold.


Do not fight the feeling that you are being pulled into a deeper trip. Every level of a Tussin trip has a purpose - every single level of a Tussin trip leads me toward positivity as long as I let it. Fighting against the Tussin experience or even trying to alter it's natural course is punished by discomfort. I must trust the experience and go with it.

A few music suggestions (all are dance music):

Algorhythm [Kog Transmissions]
Terry Francis - Architecture
X-Mix 4
Jimpster Presents Scrambled
The Morning After
Greetings from Plastic city
Da Minimal Funk 2
Sci-Fi level 2.2
Psychotrance 4
The Essential Mix - Boy George
Journey into Ambient Groove (series)
Cafe Del Mar (series)
Profound Sounds Vol. 1 Josh Wink
Time Space
Vapourspace Sweep
High Performance (instinct electronica)
anything from Om Records

We pray that you enjoy it as we do. It has been a gift for us.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7520
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2003Views: 64,405
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