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Euphoria, Euphoria, euphoria...
Citation:   Schmoopie. "Euphoria, Euphoria, euphoria...: An Experience with Kratom (exp75371)". Apr 25, 2018.

50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  50 mg oral Pharms - Propoxyphene  
  1 Tbsp oral Kratom  
I have been using a reputable source online for quite a while to read about others' experiences with different substances. I have used marijuana, hydrocodone and oxycodone frequently in the past, and have just come across kratom in the last few months. It helped me to kick my opiate habit (around 300mg oxycodone daily)!

I took a spoonful of red thai kratom (supreme) that I ordered online with 50mg of ultram and 50mg of darvocet. These doses of ultram and darvocet produce little to no effects.

Within 5 minutes of taking these 3 substances, an incredibly strong euphoria washed over me in warm waves. So much so that I found myself giggling for almost no reason as I realized how good I felt. This is exceedingly strange for me, but shit.. I felt great.

It lasted for about an hour in this extreme state, then settled down to a pleasant relaxation. About 4 hours later I was back to baseline.

Conclusion: Kratom is great. I will kill if it becomes illegal.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75371
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 25, 2018Views: 2,782
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