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That's When the Addiction Started Creeping In
Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone) & Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen (Lortab)
Citation:   DIESEL. "That's When the Addiction Started Creeping In: An Experience with Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone) & Hydrocodone / Acetaminophen (Lortab) (exp75582)". Jun 11, 2019.

8 - 12 tablets oral Hydrocodone (daily)
    sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine  
I Beat an Opiate Addiction

I've never really been a drug user at all. One hit of marijuana would always get me TOO high so I always thought I could never get into any drug. I've been in the military for almost 3 years now and in that time I've picked up smoking cigarettes and drinking, and I smoke about a pack every 2 days and I drink about 4 nights a week, which is nothing illegal or out of the ordinary. So being in the military I never planned on doing any drugs
being in the military I never planned on doing any drugs
, but this one guy handed me a Lortab at work once, because I have a civilian job at a restaurant and I am able to do that because I'm not active duty in the USAF, I'm in the USAF Reserve, and I took the tab and had an AMAZING time while I was at work. So then the next day I come in and ask him what he has, and he gives me three 7.5 tabs for $10, and my mind was clear, I was happy about everything, I was talkative to ANY table, I was soo energetic, and I made a lot more money than I usually did... And that's when the addiction started creeping in.

From then on, I didn't HAVE to have the drug just to go wait tables or to get through the day, as a matter of fact my addiction never got to the point to where I needed the drug just to get through a normal day, thank God...but, about 6 months ago my tolerance went from taking 2 10mg tabs during a work shift to taking 4 10 mg tabs during one shift, and if I worked in the morning I would have to have at least 2 10mgs or if they were 7.5s I would do 3 and if I worked that night, I would take another 4 10mg, or 6 7.5mgs in a night got to where if I were working all day I would go through about 8-12 tabs and that added up to about $50 for a full day of work or $20-30 dollars just for a night shift, and I was taking them every day so, I was spending about $150 a week on 2 hour highs, but it could have been worse, I know. Also my tolerance kept going up and I always stopped myself from going up in doses because I only did the drug to make me talkative to my tables and be happy at work
I only did the drug to make me talkative to my tables and be happy at work
but, I was trying not to let the drug reduce my income at the same time.

All the daily use kept going on for about six months and there were a few days that I didn't have the drug and I would absolutely HATE my job and when that started happening, I realized I had an addiction. But, it was only for work so, as long as it didnt affect my daily life I was fine with the addiction. I realized I only needed it for serving tables, which I wasnt planning on doing forever so I didn't care.

But, as my tolerance grew the highs were short short lived to where I would have to time my doses like: If I came into work at 4 I would wait til 5 to dose 20mgs and by 5:30 I would feel great, and then by 6:30 I would be waiting on 7 to take 20mgs more and by 9 I would be ready to go because I was pissed off while I was coming down. As this cycle went on for about 2 months I finally got tired of the addiction because it was wearing me out...seeking for them EVERY DAY...the money lost...and the come down...the all took a toll.

Thankfully there was this woman that I started working with at another job who was hooked on heroin, gave me a few Suboxones and she said its like a methodone rehab for the worst of the worst opiates such as heroin. She's prescribed to 120 a month, and its like a hydrocodone high, but it lasted 36 hours and it blocks out the feeling of any opiate you take within those 36 hours... So I took half of one and it and I was fucked up, then I took a full one the next day and got the same feeling, and I may have taken one more within the week ,and honestly after that, I have NO desire to take lortabs at all. As a matter of fact I have been taking at least 40mg-80mg of tabs every day for 6 months and now I have been clean for 2 weeks and its amazing coming back to life, without opiates. This is amazing to have all this extra money, and extra time not spend on searching for tabs.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75582
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2019Views: 2,010
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265), Hydrocodone (111) : Workplace (51), Performance Enhancement (50), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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