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Our Hearts Shine Like the Sun
Fasting & Meditation
by Carl
Citation:   Carl. "Our Hearts Shine Like the Sun: An Experience with Fasting & Meditation (exp75663)". Jun 20, 2020.

I had a neat experience I wanted to briefly share.

I've been practicing something that I stumbled upon a few weeks ago, but trying to focus it and make it stronger. I was doing some meditation at the foot of the mountains when it was a little warmer, but my jeans were pretty light and I didn't have my underlayer of fleece beneath my jacket. I was a little chilly but I tried anyway for a bit to relax into the meditation. As I started to relax more I started to feel warmer, it felt like the wind was blowing through me and it felt like the only thing keeping me cold before was being in such opposition to the cold in the first place.

Yesterday I headed up the mountain to test my snowgear for the first time after the first big dump. I had on all my stuff and was going at a good pace to get warmed up - my hands were in the thin black gloves and were a bit cold so I put them in my warm neoprene ones and they felt better soon after. As I got going further along my hands started getting hot in the gloves and I took them off for a few minutes, going back and forth from gloveless to gloves, for the most part I felt like my body was telling me that it needed to breathe and once I was moving to I could layer down - even on the hands for intermissions (thats usually obvious). I think from the time of day, forecast and elevation that the temperature was around -9 or so. I got a ways up the mountain and put a blanket down and layered back up to do a sitting meditation with my gloves back on. I started to work on creating the space to bring back that focus I've been working on earlier mentioned and it didn't take too long of a time either. Soon after I found myself in a state that was relaxed, yet very focused at the same time, and after a bit of that I started to get a lot warmer. My hands were getting hot. I took off the gloves, and lowered my hood and sat with my hands out in the cold on my knees, then my back started to have a little bit of pain, but not in the way it would usually feel. It felt like the state of focus I had put my body in a rhythm and was starting to do something, It was like this heat and energy was deeper than on the surface and seemed as if the heat was flushing the toxins out of my lower back, out of my tissues and cleansing and I was even sweating a little bit. I ended up doing that for about half an hour, only to put on the thin gloves for about 5 minutes of that whole time.

Its funny because before this experience I would have doubted my ability to do such a thing, and that has all been changed quite a bit. I went back down the hill feeling much better but felt like I had a lot more cleansing ahead of me to continue the healing process. And that pretty much sums it all up. (It wasn't too windy and I think it would be a little bit of a different story if it was colder and windier)

All of us like little sparks from the flame.

WARNING: know your body, know your limit, and don't try anything you aren't sure of or have practiced for long periods of time before any serious or long exposure to the cold or dangerous conditions.

[Reported Dose: "1 day fasting"]

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75663
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2020Views: 801
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Meditation (128) : General (1), Alone (16)

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