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Entry One
Morning Glory
Citation:   DOX-5573. "Entry One: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp7573)". May 31, 2002.

10 g oral Morning Glory
Morning Glory (heavenly blue): DOX-5573 Entry One

June 21, 2001.
Subject just weighed in at 225 lbs.
Currently I am on Lamictal 100mg twice daily, Klonopin 2mg twice daily, and Somnote 500 mg once before bedtime. Being treated for bi-polar and insomnia.

Yesterday I just took the morning dosage of Lamictal 100mg, and 600 mg of St. Johns Wort.

The experience:
10g of seeds washed and ground. Allowed pulp to soak for ten hours in 8oz. of cold tap water. Strained into pint jar, added water to 2/3 of pint mixed in some raspberry tea concentrate to hide taste.

12:54 am: 1/2 mix of the 2/3-pint pulpy mix ingested. I will wait approximately half an hour to see if indigestion will be a concern. Think I’ll go run the European GP on playstation and wait.

1:53 am: Well that took longer than I expected. I won the race considering I had to start from 22nd position. It seems that they forgot that I qualified the other day in fourth position. Oh well. I caught Schu (leader) on 6th lap but spun bad. Had to pit on 8th lap. I came back out in 17th place. Took lead on final lap first turn. Quite an exciting race for me. Ok so anyway, I think it’s starting. When racing I could “feel” the line. Only problems so far are the sour taste emanating from the gut. But I’m ready to finish the glass “o” glory. I’m feeling GOOD. Visuals are a little flashy and I’m picking up on auditory sensations. Bottoms up!

1:58 am: I finished the glass. It didn’t taste bad at all. I still have quite a bit of pulp in the bottom. I had added another 8oz of cold tap water to the original strained pulp and let it sit for about an hour. So I’m going to combine the last 8oz of rehashed mix to the pulp that’s at the bottom of my glass “o” glory. Use more tea mix and drink it. I’m going to do this to see if I can get more going on. After chugging the rehashed mix, I plan on mixing the remaining pulp with some cinnamon applesauce and eating the stuff. God I love experimentation! You know what? I expected to be puking my guts out by now. Oh well, the night is still young.

2:06 am: The glass “o” glory is starting to become overwhelmed by the nutty meat pulp. So the texture going down is weird. Still doesn’t taste bad at all. A little fruity nut flavor and looks like apple cider with nuts in it. I think I’m going to have to invest in a pepper mill. I used my wife’s “Pampered Chef” Parmesan cheese grater to crush the seeds. It came out about half powder, half pulp. I will be really happy when I get full powder. But this isn’t bad. My stomach is feeling a little tight now, but still quite bearable.

2:16 am: I just finished the extra 8oz-rehash mix. Now I’m starting to feel really full and sloshy in the belly. With that I think I’ll wait a while before eating the applesauce pulp mix. By the way, I’m starting to feel very “aware” and “vibey”. Things are looking pretty good as a matter of fact. While I was sipping on the rehash mix, I noticed a stack of CDs “sway”, but slowly and slightly. I guess I’m feeling really good for the moment. I wish I had some smoke to kind of help everything along, but a tight budget means no smoke I guess.

Now here’s the question: Do I watch a movie, meditate, become one with my environment, or listen to music whilst I peak?

I’ve preloaded the disk changer with some of my mixes with binaural beats. Disk one: “Resonance: Part One” an original of my own doing. Disk two: “Drawer of Dark Secrets” a Radiohead mix I made from Kid A and Amnesiac with binaural stuff layered into it. Disk three: “Dawn of Transformation (caustic head-pHone mix)”, This is a tool compilation that I’ve done a lot of reworking of their overall sound with different frequencies and binaural stuff as well. Very experimental stage mixing for me at the moment. Disk four: 'Non-verbal Communication Part II”, a techno-mix of mine that is eerily ambient and pulsating. Disk five: “Mechanical Animals” by Marilyn Manson.

Good Question!

2:24 am: I think I’ll turn of the PC and the lights. Turn on my red light, light some incense, put on the headphones, meditate to the music and melt in with my environment. I’m not getting enough visual stimulation at this point to warrant a movie. Right on! I just better watch out for those damn spiders in the dark!  I think I will roll a couple of cherry Cavendish smokes. I would enjoy that I think.

2:33 am: Man this is a great high. I was rolling one of the cherry smokes and when I was putting the excess away, it was like “scurrying” away from me. Sweet! Now, lights out (except red), headphones on, I think the show is about to really start.

3:48 am: WOW!!! I am so clear right now. I just finished Disk one (resonance) and got the effect that I intended when I made it. I think I even held back a bit during the “Lucidity 1 & 2” meditation tones. If the light was out and I didn’t keep looking around, I would have gone OBE. Just what the disk is made for. Especially under these conditions. Disk two has started and I’m in the latter half of “National Anthem”. I think it’s time for the applesauce mix. Plus I need to get up for a bit. OH SHIT! The next song just kicked in (“I Might Be Wrong”). The vibes mixed with the binaural shit is “F”ing amazing! Still only “flashy” on the visual end. I have got to get up and get some applesauce mix and now!

4:08 am: I finished the applesauce mix. It was a very surreal experience scooping up the cold slimy goo with lumps and crunches. Near the end, when I was scraping the mix out, the plastic spoon was SCREECHING along the glass! Psychedelicious! Only problem now is that my gut is gurgling a lot. I also feel sad for having devoured the last of my mixture, knowing that there is no more left to go on with. But that’s how it normally feels like for me, Not much left to go on. But so far, this is a really great time. This is also the first time I’ve ever documented a trip. And the first time I’ve done Morning Glory. I wish that I could convey the “no-time” state that I experienced during the resonance disk. I would reach moments of where time did not exist (somewhat of a paradox, no?). I love that! The threshold of infinity. ;-)

Well I’m a little hungry now and pissed to find a half a ’nilla wafer left in the box. Well there were also those squirming crumbs. So now I’m left with only the unwanted trefoils from like April or sometime ago. But those will be just fine.


I brought some Sobe “Wisdom” down to sip on. I think the visuals are kicking in a bit now. There was a shadow that went flying across the floor and the carpet is starting to “flow” quite nicely. Times like this make just want to celebrate to be alive and breathing! I’m going to hop in the recliner and restart disk two. I’m sure if anything pops up; it will just be a few lines away.


4:26 am: Nah... Fuck the recliner. I just lit a candle and I’m dancing with the flame. OH YEAH!

No-time am: They’re Above Us ~

4:53 am: I think the applesauce mix is kicking in. What a ride I’m having!


6:43 am: I just came out of listening to disk two and three. WOW! Somewhere in the mix, I did end up in the recliner. Man! Those disks really work for enhancing a trip. I have transcended by vibration. In and out, riding the waves that are sound. I did just go to the potty for the first time during the trip, but only to empty the bladder. Stomach feels really fine now.

I feel so absolutely pure as I have throughout the trip. I think I’ve reached my plateau.

6:48 am: Nearly six hours into it. Where has the time gone? I must try to appear clear for a bit. Jen is (should be) getting up for work. I am elevated! Connected!

Red light is off now, birds and alarm clocks are all I hear. I have come out of he shadows into the brightness of the longest day of the year, with an eclipse to top it all off. Talk about perfect timing and being aligned with the cosmos. This is synchronicity. That’s how I feel right now, synchronized. Ironic considering the no-time state. Jen is up. Racing against time, trying to get ready for work. Struggling! Here I sit in the void of no-time synchronization and lack of pressure. I pity everyone now.

8:07 am: Speaking on pressure, there is a guy in a crane in Atlanta with high-powered assault weapons trained on people (been there, done that). A woman in Houston just drowned all of her children. Rolling blackouts in Cali. And man it’s starting to storm here. Storming everywhere I guess. You know, the trip is wearing down, but I still feel good. No auditory or visual stimulation. Just elation. Just thought after thought (that part never changes). I’m returning to my normal reality slowly but surely. But I feel good. Not suicidal and depressed like I have been for sometime. My Psychiatrist and Psychologist would kill me if they knew I had done this. Which leads me to wonder who should be in charge of your medications. The experts or those who seek to control their own reality.

In closing, I must say that I’ll do this again (how soon will it work like this again, can anyone tell me?). I will increase to 15g of seeds and go from there. I have had a very pleasant and rewarding experience on this outing. Rewarding in the sense that I didn’t have to find someone who had any trip that was made hastily, or shrooms of poor quality. I relied on my own research and experiences shared within the community of us who seek higher planes of awareness. I produced a total organic method of altering my conciousness. No volatile chemicals used. Just seeds, water, concentrated tea, applesauce and a little effort.

Pretty basic, 10g of seeds only cost $2.00 plus tax. The applesauce was a store brand at about $1.50. I had a great time for fewer than five dollars, and I feel as if I accomplished something or at least gave proof to my self that I have control. I have boosted my confidence and my spirit. What bastard is going to tell me what I did was wrong? Screw all of those self pressured assholes. Try this once in a while and see how much more free your life can be from stress and time constraints. Experience no-time.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7573
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2002Views: 26,078
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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