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Good Sedative
Datura & Cannabis
Citation:   white rabbit. "Good Sedative: An Experience with Datura & Cannabis (exp75790)". Jun 30, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Datura (ground / crushed)
I`ve been interested in Datura ever since I heard about it. After much reading and research I gave up on idea of drinking a brew (maybe I`m a chicken but this decision took about half a year or so to make). So what I basically do is that I just dry Datura leaves, crush them into a FINE powder(if the leaves are dry enough I can do this with my fingers), and mixed them with some cannabis 70% Datura powder and 30% cannabis is a good ratio. The effect is like good weed high, it`s calming and kinda heavy (my wife had only few hits and slept soundly for 12 hours- normally she sleeps 6-7.) I didn't cough as much as I would smoking cannabis by itself
So just to sum it up: saves weed, good high, calms.

I smoked one pure Datura joint but had no effects + tastes like dried grass that had been pissed on. I must mix in some weed to have this effect, weed/datura joints work the best for me. Hope this helps someone somehow.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2018Views: 2,078
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