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Best Friend, Worst Enemy
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Citation:   Ralph Lauren. "Best Friend, Worst Enemy: An Experience with Alprazolam (Xanax) (exp75798)". Jan 9, 2009.

  repeated   Pharms - Alprazolam
Back in 2002 I found one of my best friends, xanax. I have social anxiety disorder since graduation in 02. The first time I took xanax I was the best hustler, able to adapt to any situation. I wasn’t too dependant maybe 4 miligrams tops. Let’s take a trip to 2006, I would wake up to work third shift and I would pop ten miligrams before work and function perfectly. Even tho I would socialize with anyone, strange addictions like stealing from where I work, sex with random girls, smoking 2 packs in a 9 hour shift. I was prescribed 60 1mgs a month and they were gone in a week. Then I would have to hawk hunt going thru the most painful withdraw. Started robbing dealers for their stash of shit. I'm 165 pounds and would strong arm anyone for my candy. Now it's 2008 and I lost the love of my life last year because she couldn’t handle my withdraw rage, my new love is waking up to ten miligrams of xanax still. But I haven’t caught a buzz off xanax in about a year...I gotta take 4 bars to get rid of general anxiety. Take em with aterax just knocks me out, I don’t remember much of life since I graduated, I produce music and rob dealers for a living, pretty shitty outcome for anxiety

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2009Views: 14,067
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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