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Very High to Very Sick
Cacao (25x extract)
Citation:   jackthestripper. "Very High to Very Sick: An Experience with Cacao (25x extract) (exp75822)". Dec 31, 2017.

10 g oral Cacao (extract)
I had ordered some health goodies recently, and along with my order came a sample pouch of 25x full spectrum Theobroma Cacao extract. I had heard that it was possible to achieve psychoactive effects from raw cacao, so I decided to consume the entire 10 grams of the extract.

The powder had a pleasant, yet overwhelming taste, which felt warm in my mouth. I ingested it without hesitation, not realizing the amount of theobromine and lots of other chemicals [caffeine] which were concentrated into that small amount of powder. I relaxed, not thinking too much of it, and not really expecting to become high.

I was wrong. About 45 minutes after consumption, I began to feel very light, as if I had lost 50 pounds. Along with this sensation came a pronounced feeling of euphoria, and a pleasant amount of stimulation. I was a bit shocked by this sudden change of consciousness from what I had underestimated as chocolate powder. I decided to get up from the computer, and lay down on the couch to enjoy this new sensation. I was smiling the entire time.

I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke, about an hour later, the euphoria was gone, and I was plagued with a high pulse rate, and surges of nausea. This unpleasant state lasted three hours before I could fall back asleep. I woke a few times during the night, after having disturbing dreams, still feeling nauseous, yet my heart rate decreased as the night progressed. I felt slightly hung over the next morning, with a headache that lasted most of the following day.

In conclusion, I still love dark chocolate, so that's good. I could have cut the dose of the extract in half, and possibly reacted much better. I will experiment with this type of extract again in the future.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75822
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2017Views: 11,627
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Cacao (638) : Health Problems (27), Overdose (29), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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