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Citation:   Euslace Nodd. "Muy-Bien: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp76053)". Sep 14, 2018.

12.5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
I have taken Zolpidem many times before. It is a powerful hypnotic with a benzo-like action. Even one 12.5mg tablet can induce stupor for me extraordinarily quickly. I'm talking within five minutes of chewing it up. Anyway, I'll be talking about the 10mg blue pills with A~ on one side. I haven't used Zolpidem in many months before tonight.

Ambien is said to have a benzodiazepine action, like Xanax, Valium, or Klonopin. I've found its very true for me. The only benzo I've tried is Xanax and it was similar to Zolpidem. 4mg of Xanax made me very dizzy and to lose the sense of where parts of my body are at, making me bump into things the rest of the day. It was almost like alcohol, but without the euphoria. I was just really dizzy, almost disoriented. Xanax is not a drug I would spend money on.

Zolpidem has the same base 'drunk-dizzy' effect, but Xanax doesn't go much farhter than that except disorientation. It's a lot easier to enjoy Zolpidem, almost like a glass of wine. With higher doses though, it can REALLY lay me out and I see why many people pass out on Zolpidem. I bet it would be a good help with opiate withdrawals. Also it tends to go into effect rather quickly.

So I bought ten 12.5mg pills earlier tonight. I've swallowed a small bit of one. I dont feel prone to violence. Muscles relax. The sea of my thoughts is calm. No wind, and Not more than 2mg zolpidem has been ingested with a toke of pot, some energy drink, and Suboxone a couple hours earlier. I'm very happy to have stumbled on these pills.

It's having a mood-elevating effect on me at this point some 45 minutes into T. It takes the edge off the pot which I've binged on for three weeks now. It's like an antidepressant to me. I feel very pleasant now and I know that Suboxone will supplement nicely. Now that I think about it, Zolpidem's antidepressant activity on me is similar to Buprenorphine's antidepressant activities. 'Dreamy,' that's how it feels. Like, I'm still in with reality, but not so much as to bum me out, so I call the stuff 'Muybien.'

Tonight happens to be New Years Eve 2009. My mom left a bottle of La Crema Chardonnay and sparkling apple cider in the refrigeratomobile. People are blowing off m80's and blackcats and I dont know what else all over the neighborhood. I do not wish to hear gunshots at this time. The rest of the 12.5mg Zolpidem was eaten wee bit earlier. I've only had a few sips of chardonnay and its fuckin me about. That bottle was OLD there was sour gel comin out the cork! Anyway the alcohol danced around the bottom of the cider. They fell in love and began a dance together, which would make the dissapear from.... What I meant to say was, I feel 'spaced-out' after drinking wine. Dreamy + Spaced Out = Disorientatiosdsasftion. It's difficult to focus ocules. I find myself in the Nod, the heroin Nod. I just want to keep my eyes closed and open them as little as possible throughout my nightly routine.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76053
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 1,324
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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