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Citation:   LadyLovelilocks369. "Glow: An Experience with Kratom (exp76094)". Mar 20, 2018.

    Cannabis (daily)
  4 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Kratom Experiment

Setting: work, on a Sunday, very little traffic in my area, so little chance of interaction.

Set: mental state has not been best of late: been having problems with rage, easily frustrated. Otherwise, as of dosage, mental state is baseline.

Consumption prior to dosage: Had some MJ around 6:30am, but was baseline well before dosage. Consumed a handful of Flipz white-chocolate covered pretzels around 7:30, with a mugful of coffee.

Physical description. 24 year old female, 5’2”, 100lbs. Prior experience with psychoactives: MJ (daily), MDMA, LSD, DXM, cocaine, Salvia Divinorum, hydrocodone, oxycodone, amphetamines, sedatives, wild lettuce opium, sinicuichi, absinthe, alcohol. I’ve forgotten if there are others. :)

Expectations low. No excitement over ingestion since no effects are expected to be experienced.

Eyeballed approx 3-4 grams into a small plastic cup, poured bottled, sweetened iced tea over it till about half-filled, and stirred well. Downed about half before plant particles made it difficult to swallow. Taste actually isn’t as awful as expected. (Then again, I've tried a wormwood tea. It's like drinking bile.) Filled cup with iced tea to halfway point again, repeated once more before finishing. Promptly stuck a piece of gum in my mouth to get rid of plant grit.
Dosing began at 10:20am.

T+10min: waiting
T+15: belly rumbled – we’re digesting it.
T+25: starting to feel a difference in consciousness, but can’t pin down a description. Not baseline anymore.
T+30: feel slightly floaty with very light head buzz
T+30: feel slightly floaty with very light head buzz

T+40: feel warm – hands are warm but dry (unusual for me – my hands are always damp)
T+1hour: Windows Media Player (abbreviated WMP below) is infinitely more interesting than it should be. I can actually see past the pixellation for once and seemingly immerse myself in the images. Almost like E without the accompanying blow-up. If the images change direction and start coming towards me (so to speak), I jump. The computer seems particularly bright. However, no CEVs.
T+1:20: Almost kinda feels like I took a 10mg Vicodin. Feel warm and fuzzy body-wise. No nausea or discomfort to speak of. Mentally: feel calm, clear-headed, relaxed. Considering consuming remainder.
T+1:40: Coming down already? Losing the glow, not as easily amused by WMP.
T+1:50: Definitely closer to baseline – opiate effects are wearing off noticeably and I find myself restless (leg jiggling resumed) and wanting more.
T+2:20: (as I’m finishing this report) returned to baseline. Very minor headache, just barely noticeable.

Decided to wait to re-dose since lunchtime fast approaches and I would like to see if eating after the first dosing will have an effect on my stomach, which is usually extremely sensitive. I’m very surprised that my stomach accepted the kratom as easily as it did, considering all the horror stories I’ve read regarding nausea and vomiting. What a pleasant surprise! Also, hydrocodone with acetaminophen (aka Vicodin) has a tendency to make me very grumpy and give me nasty headaches, and while on it, I cannot smoke a cigarette without getting violently ill – I’ve tried many times, and have finally given up on that notion. I didn’t try smoking this time for fear of upsetting my stomach, but perhaps I’ll give it a try next time. Kratom + cigarette can’t possibly be worse than hydrocodone + cigarette. This may quickly turn into my favorite legal alternative. I must have been lucky with my eyeballing – hopefully something I can pull off again! All in all, a very pleasant experience that I can’t wait to repeat!

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76094
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 20, 2018Views: 1,274
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Kratom (203) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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