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It Helped Me Converse With Family
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "It Helped Me Converse With Family: An Experience with Codeine (exp76145)". Jan 25, 2018.

550 mg oral Codeine
I`m a 20 year old male. I`m a light drug user and have relatively healthy lifestyle. I've only used xanax and cannabis before.

I have tried codeine a couple of times and experimented with different doses.
I have used the cold water extraction method from OTC pills, first with light and then heavier doses.

This time I decided to try a large dose, because I`v never had a bad experience with lighter doses. I bought 80 pills that contained acetoaminophen and 8mg of codeine, the only ones that are available in my country OTC. So, 640mg of codeine seems quite a lot but I taught that some will be lost in the process anyway. I was a bit worried, because that much is not recommended. Because I used more water than recommended I was also worried about acetoaminophen poisoning. But dropping the temperature lower, makes It safer, because there will be less acetoaminophen in the final product.

I ground the pills in a put them in a solution of 40 degrees C, put the solution into freezer and stirred occasionally until the temperature dropped to 8 C and filtered it with a coffee filter. I also took antihistamines, because codeine has given me light itches previous times, nothing really bad but a bit annoying.

The experience:

After 15 minutes I began to feel pleasant warmth and relaxation, it kicks in.
After an hour I feel quite contempt and am in a good mood. The warmth is very relaxing and makes me feel good. I sat into an armchair and watched some music videos, felt a bit euphoric. The word pleasant describes the experience best.

I went to the shop that is just the corner and bought some juice and snacks. Walking made me feel a bit nauseous but nothing really annoying. When I was back I didn't feel hungry and kept the snacks for later.

I remembered something that I had said to my relatives the previous day, in a good mood, I decided to call them and apologize, we small-talked half an hour, something I don`t normally do, but I liked it. I'm usually a bad listener, but the relaxation from codeine made the conversation enjoyable.
I'm usually a bad listener, but the relaxation from codeine made the conversation enjoyable.

The effects lasted for hours, and when they were gone, I was still in a pleasant mood from the experience, even the next day.

Codeine is a wonderful drug, I hope I won`t get hooked, so I won`t be using it soon from now. I've read that other people who use it recreationally don't use doses that high because they tend to give side effects, but everybody is different, I might be just more tolerant.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76145
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2018Views: 2,097
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Codeine (14) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)

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