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A Taste of Death?
Citation:   violator c. "A Taste of Death?: An Experience with DXM (exp7622)". Apr 17, 2003.

400 mg oral DXM (powder / crystals)
After learning more about disassociatives from a conference, I wanted to finally try DXM. I consumed 400 miligrams of dxm. I was told that I would be feeling the affects within an hour, but it was hard to tell because I had just come down from salvia 10x extract, and I was still feeling the affects of marijuana and a lsd flashback (from smoking marijuana). I tried to relax and play video games, and hoped the other substances would be wearing off soon.

About 11:15 p.m., I began to feel the inebriating affects of the drug, very similiar to alcohol. 10 minutes later, I was feeling extremely nauseous, and told my trip sitter that I had to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and let it out. It was very hard to vomit, my insides were too relaxed to do any of the work. I managed to get it up, but I didnt feel any better afterwards. I got the wacky cam really really bad. My friends were talking to me and looking at them was a challenge, it seemed as if they were moving around, even though they were standing still. I honestly thought that I was going to die. I was so disconncted from my body. Time was extremely dilated, and lost, too. I found myself in my friends room, yet I dont know how I got there and he would have told me if I had passed out, but I did not. I seemed to be feeling better, so he left me in there by myself, and this is where things got weird.

I began to shift from consciousness to a dream-like state. The thought of dying was apparent. All of a sudden, something caught my eye. On the part of the rug in front of the television that used to be cluttered with clothes, video game controllers, and papers was now replaced with a large group of san pedro and peruvian torch cacti in big clay pots. I was stunned by the fact that it was so full blown and life like. I had to vomit again and it was so damn hard getting it up. I can't remember how much time later it was, but I saw another weird thing. There was an empty fan box in the hall, and further down the hall was a laundry basket resting on a cabinet, (they were really there) but when I stared at them, it formed into a man, looking at himself in a mirror. This scared me because his face was all twisted out of shape, I thought it was death coming to take me away.

About an hour and a half later, I woke up from the dream state with no more nausea, and I am very intoxicated. I can barely walk, and my speech is incoherent, yet I am able to deal with it. The affects slowly recede, and I am finally able to fall asleep. The next day, my trip sitter told me that he really thought that I was going to die. We are both glad that I am still here. It is obvious that I am allergic to this drug, and that I hit plateau sigma, or close to it. I am thankful to be alive. Never again.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7622
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2003Views: 38,500
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