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Whipping it... by Hand
Nitrous Oxide
by Jay
Citation:   Jay. "Whipping it... by Hand: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp76257)". Jun 18, 2018.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  2 hits inhaled LSD  
I thought I'd share my expierence because others have helped me greatly in the past with dose, effects, ect. I'm on probation, so that stops me from being able to use my favroite drugs like opiates, marijuana and other substances that show up in urine. I know quite a bit about what drugs I can and cant do. I decided to buy 24 Nitrous cartrages yesterday along with 2 hits of acid.

I got the Nitrous home and I dont have a cracker or anything so I used my creative mind to make one with an old paintball gun that uses CO2 cartrages. I took the gun appart to see what exactly made it work. I noticed that the part that punctures the cartrage was too small for the NOS, so I used pliers to make it bigger. After that I sawed this part that carries the gas to the part that will shoot leaving it just with the part that punctures the cartrage and a small metal tube directly connected to it.

I put a baloon on it using a rubber band to keep it tightly connected so no gas could escape. This is where it gets a little diffacult. I put the cartrage in the bottem of the sawed apart gun and the baloon on the end. Now I have to use something to push it into the part that punctures it. This can take quite a bit of work concidering that it is made of steel, but after some effort, it fills the baloon nicly about half way. I take my finger and pinch the end before I pull it off so no gas escapes than I undo the rubber band than place the baloon to my lips and inhaile and exhaile until I feel dizzy and short of breath. After that, I get about 2 min. Of euphoria and everything just feels good and almost everything is extreamly funny.

I found myself singing 'hippie crack corn and I dont care' making me laugh uncontrolably. The rest of the night I spent tripping on acid and doing whippits while watching 'pineapple express.' The acid was pretty weak giving me only a slight buzz, very mild trails and mixed, scrambled thoughts. I fucked up once and had a cartrage blow out of the gun and smash into my face at like 60mph causing a pretty big bruse this morning.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76257
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2018Views: 1,055
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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