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I Feel Mad Nice
Morning Glory
by 8764
Citation:   8764. "I Feel Mad Nice: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp76261)". Sep 10, 2018.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 160 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 0:45 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
3-19-04, The Glory

Friday 19th March 2004
9:20 2 Benadryl taken for nausea.

10:05 Chewed well & swallowed appx. 160 heavenly blue seeds followed by a bowl of low-grade weed.

10:29 My stomach seems severely bloated.

10:42 I think the smoke and the Benadryl combined because I am starting to feel drowsy and a bit 'out of it'.

10:56 I am definitely FUCKED UP! The 'trip' is beginning to get more 'uppy' and there is a constant, but tolerable, nausea. Again, Pink Floyd helps.

11:03 Sedation & giddiness. Slight music euphoria! (for sure) Very nice, except for the nausea. I think I am feeling that dry throat feeling from the Benadryl, but along with this the nausea's stable. Maybe the pseudoephedrine (from the type of Benadryl I used) is kickin' in.

11:07 Wish I had my guitar : )(lol). The sedation/music euphoria is ecstatic.

11:16 Drinking ice water works. DXM-rivaling music euphoria. No visuals.

11:42 Whenever I get nausea I just simply take a sip of ice water. Buzz not changing.

12:30 Extreme giddiness/Euphoria. Objects moving around (that damn green plant looks as though it could pounce any second). Mind different (more clear). Good body buzz. I feel REAL nice.

12:33 Noise from others is annoyingly loud and untolerable. Real bummer. Music still sounds great. These loud fuckers are messing it up. (my family was talking loudly throughout this period)

12:39 I can make my vision if I concentrate. Definitely tripping.

12:42 It feels so good. I can only keep straight through extreme concentration. It is taking away from the experience to continue keeping the journal, but oh well. Definitely do about 8 packs next time with no TAP water. 2 Benadryl about 45mins befoe ingesting the seeds and then drinking ice water after the seeds are down helps keep the nausea in check. I am definitely tripping and not merely feeling a buzz. The lyrics of songs actually make much more sense (like they do on good DXM trips).

12:49 There is a kind of psychedelic smoke flying everywhere. There is a pressure in my head which increases in intensity coinciding with the trip.

13:26 I feel mad nice. Everything is great! Not as good as a great DXM trip, but oh well. I was gonna smoke some pot but forgot to do it. My mind feels nice and my inhibitions are extremely low. I just want to stay fucked up and have fun. I keep getting lost in my thoughts and forgetting what I was just doing.

13:30 Pink Floyd sounds great, the same as it did when I first started doing DXM. Very full of hidden meaning and Music Euphoria.

15:56 This trip is amazing. It's like I get zoned out and then realize where I am at and get extreme jamais vous. My conscious memory is like totally forgetting things and refreshing my mindset at a rapid rate. I keep thinking that I am doing something else than actual. I also have this absolute and merciless wit and atitude as a persona. It (this persona) thinks of others as an annoyance and weak. Coupled with the memory refresh this is a very interesting trip.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 76261
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 10, 2018Views: 750
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