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Awaken My Mental Clarity
Ginkgo biloba & Ginseng
Citation:   triplecrow. "Awaken My Mental Clarity: An Experience with Ginkgo biloba & Ginseng (exp7654)". Jun 24, 2003.

150 mg oral Ginkgo biloba (daily)
  500 mg oral Ginseng (daily)
I have been taking ginkgo biloba on and off for the past five years and see a significant difference in my mental clarity, recollection of memories, long term and short term when I consistently take a dose of 150mg per day for at least a week. These effects continue for the duration of repeated daily administration in this dose. However because of the costly price of having a constant supply I often don't have a chance to take it for weeks or months at a time. I have currently been taking it every day for the past three weeks and after the first week there was a marked heightened ability to recall distant childhood memories and past events that I had seemingly forgotten all about.

There has also been an increase in my creative mental functions and lucidity of my dreams. I do not experience these effects when taking a dose smaller than 150mg per day or when taking it less than a week (or three). I think that anyone who would like to have a better memory, more consistent creative flow, or more lucid dreams with ability to recall their dreams upon awakening would see tangible results after daily doses for 1 - 3 weeks. I find a dose of 150mg - 300mg is needed. This is contrary to most of the dosage instructions on the containers of ginkgo obtained from health stores that suggest 50mg - 75mg per day. Capsules are the way to go in my opinion for I get no results from tea, but perhaps better results would be obtained from fresh samples of a live plant, which can be obtained and cultivated at little cost. I also take 500mg of siberian ginseng every day and believe that the combination of both these herbs in repeated daily doses is excellent, and I don't get the marked mental clarity benefits from taking just the ginseng alone.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7654
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2003Views: 74,070
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Ginseng (144), Ginkgo biloba (195) : Not Applicable (38), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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