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Sudden Journey
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Vulpine. "Sudden Journey: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp7659)". Aug 11, 2002.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
My girlfriend went out to do the laundry, and I decided that since I had some time to myself I would meditate a bit, possibly do a tarot reading, and then try out the second dose of Salvia which I purchased from a friend who had made a concentrated form.

I packed my bowl, lit a candle and some incense and gazed into the flame until I felt centered.

After a little more meditating, I picked up the pipe. As I'd read, you have to smoke a hit, hold it for at least 30 seconds, then immediately smoke again, repeating for about two minutes.

I lit the pipe, and inhaled as deeply as I could; the smoke was very very harsh. I counted 30 seconds to myself (who knows how accurate this is :), then exhaled. I didn't feel much yet.

Again, I lit the pipe, and inhaled. Immediately as I began inhaling, the effects started to hit me. I felt very disoriented, and the motion of my hands and the candle flame began to blur and swirl. My inner voices became very loud -- my normal inner monologue seemed more intense, and I almost felt as if I were speaking to someone else. The third hit came and went, and I set the pipe down -- the bowl was basically cashed.

The effects were intense. I immediately lost all sense of identity -- I literally did not remember my own name. I let myself go, feeling a sense of a feminine presence near me -- I thought of my mother, and felt the nearness of the primal Mother Goddess. I saw three shapes, indistinct -- perhaps my own hands and the candle flame again. I closed my eyes, and the shapes became an endless line of people walking -- like a caravan moving through the desert.

I felt a pull from a Goddess presence again, briefly, but my inner monologue interrupted again, and the trip began to fade. My mind felt much too noisy for true journeying. The effects gradually diminished, until I felt centered and back to my normal self again. Little more than half an hour later, I feel almost completely normal -- I still feel mellow and lethargic, but even that has almost dissipated.

I want to try the drug again and see if I can go a little further in my journeying this time. I was quite startled by the intensity and sudden onset of the effects as I am mostly used to the gradual onset of mushrooms. I was so startled that I think I was too busy being astonished and saying to myself 'Wow, I'm really tripping' to be able enjoy the effects or let go. Next time, I will be prepared, and I think I will probably meditate longer first and not have distractions like the tarot nearby.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7659
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 11, 2002Views: 8,382
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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