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Shattered Reality
Salvia divinorum (20x extract), Alcohol & Cocaine
Citation:   carlos. "Shattered Reality: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract), Alcohol & Cocaine (exp76764)". Apr 4, 2023.

    Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  1 line   Cocaine  
BODY WEIGHT: 11.5 st
Before taking salvia I was very skeptical about its effects/potency and I wasn't expecting much, if anything from the experience. But this is by far the strongest drug I've ever taken. Background/setting: I have used MDMA, cocaine and cannabis in the past but never delved into hallucinogens (LSD, shrooms etc).

On this particular night we had a goodie bag (to be shared by 3) containing a gram of cocaine, a gram of salvia x20 extract, 20 bottles of Beck larger and 2 valiums (just in case). Anyway, we went to my friend’s house cracked open a few beers and prepared for the worst. Once we built up the courage we filled the bong (about half dish) and I took the bong, inhaled, held in for as long as I could, sat down and then said goodbye to this world.

I can’t remember much of what happened, and what I do remember is impossible to account. First, for no reason whatsoever, I started laughing uncontrollably. The next thing a recall was being on the floor trying to crawl through what I can only describe as a shattered reality. As I had totally forgotten I’d smoked the salvia I thought this was my reality, but somewhere deep at the back of my mind I knew something wasn’t right, so all my thoughts and will became bent on leaving this place.

So, as I was still on the floor, I tried to stand up, and then from nowhere someone grabbed me by the back of the head and pushed me back down. I tried to look up to see who this bastard was, but as the room was totally distorted I couldn’t make him/her/it out. Then it started to speak, repeating the same sentence over and over. I couldn’t make out the first part of the sentence but the last words were ‘to the minus 7’. This seemed to last for an eternity, crawling and crawling
Then it started to speak, repeating the same sentence over and over. I couldn’t make out the first part of the sentence but the last words were ‘to the minus 7’. This seemed to last for an eternity, crawling and crawling
but whenever I seemed to make any progress the hand would come again and push me back down. After what felt like a lifetime (actually 2-3 minutes) the pieces of reality began to merge back together, and I remember seeing the couch and thinking ‘this is my chance to leave this place’ and I leapt onto it. A wave of utter relief washed over me as I realised I was back in the room.

I looked to my friends for confirmation ‘am I back’ I asked; they laughed and replied ‘you don’t look it’. I then began to examine the room but things still didn’t seem real, I was very disorientated and through all the commotion I’d pushed the one seater couch half way into the kitchen (the house is open plan) so the room seemed to be split in two. And the thought occurred that maybe when the pieces of reality had merged the last two pieces hadn’t, and I was torn between two realities.

I decided the best thing to do would be to take a walk around the room to make sure that this wasn’t true, but I was glued to the chair, the gravity had become very heavy and I was unable to move. I was swinging my arms and kicking me legs just to make sure they weren’t in fact glued down; this caught my friends attention ‘are you back’ they asked, ‘god, I hope so’ I replied. After another minute or so my motor skills returned and I managed to get to my feet, and as soon as I did I was truly back. I was still very spaced out so I took a line of coke to regain alertness and, to be honest, because I was scared shitless and I thought it would bring me closer to normality. The coke really helped.

The account from my friends- I slid from the couch like worm rolled up in ball and started talking gibberish. I then crawled up to my friend and asked her to ‘save me’. She told me to go behind the couch and I would be safe. So I tried to tunnel between the couch and wall, obviously to no avail. I then crawled round the floor for a minute or two talking nonsense and switching between a very serious mentality to uncontrollable laughter. Surprisingly I was only under for about 3 minutes!!

Would I do it again? Definitely!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76764
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2023Views: 453
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), General (1)

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