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The Folding World
Salvia divinorum
by prae
Citation:   prae. "The Folding World: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp76813)". Oct 12, 2013.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I'm going to preface this experience report with the following: The thing about Salvia is that it creates a completely new reality. I forgot, 100%, about anything else I had experienced previously, and this new reality isn't just an 'illusion' or 'really believable', it is totally, completely the truth. So when you read this report, it isn't like I was 'seeing' or 'experiencing' these things as an outside observer, or knowing that I was on drugs and therefore able to enjoy the experience. These words reflect my entire existence: my ego, my soul, and the entire world. It was all real and true. What seems now fake is this world, this 'reality'.

I had tried Salvia for the first time a few days ago, and had a really interesting experience. I had figured that there was a new world out there, and that Salvia could help me explore it. I decided to take a bigger dose, and so yesterday I packed a bowl of about 1/4 gram of 20x extract into my water pipe. My girlfriend was there sitting for me, and I was sitting in on my bed, the lights low, and a calm state of mind.

I torched the whole bowl pretty good, took an amazingly large lungful of the smoke, sat back and held it in. It started to take effect really fast. I barely had time to put down the pipe before I completely lost touch with the world. The first thing I remember was that the world was flat, and I was part of this world. Everything was very basic and round, kind of like Fisher-Price versions of objects in the world.

I became manifested in this flat, Fisher-Price world as a table, in a room with no boundaries, no sky, no space, just flat plastic stretching to infinity. All of a sudden, *THWAP*, a new world slammed down on the old one, and I was a sidewalk. Children were walking over me (in the same dimension; everything was flat), giggling and completely oblivious to my existence. *THWAP*, a new world folded down, and I was a doorway, and there was light through the doorway, and darkness everywhere else. Then *THWAP*, a world folded down, again and again.

Each *THWAP* would cause a new world to slam down, the scene to change, and my personality to become completely reinvented. I was a bush, a mailbox, a book, a refrigerator. At first it was interesting, but each world folding down started to become painful, both physically and mentally. It took incredible physical and emotional strength to become whatever it was that I became in each new world that folded down. I became sick of this. I wanted to hold on to one world, no matter which one it was, and stay there forever because I was tired of being reinvented every second.

I tried to reason with myself. There was no sky in this world, because it was all flat. I remembered that there are scientists. They are very smart people, and they have determined that the universe extends infinitely in all three dimensions. The scientists couldn't be wrong, because the world wasn't really flat. But this world was flat. I started to realize that these folding worlds were fake, but I still couldn't escape.

I started to panic, and tried to grab on to something in one of the worlds that slammed down. I believe it was a tree, but some arms materialized out of the tree and caught me. Whatever part of me that was touching the tree's arms - my chest, my face, my arms - was caught in that world, but new worlds were folding down behind me and my body and legs were getting pulled to the new worlds. I wanted to stay where I had caught, so I just held on for dear life.

After a bit I realized that the arms were the arms of my girlfriend, who was trip sitting me, and I slowly realized that I was a person, and that I was on drugs. I told her 'Fuck Salvia. I'm never doing that shit again.' And for a couple minutes got pushed back underneath. I was still holding on to her, but my body was getting pulled back into the folding world, and my feet and legs were really, really hurting because of the *THWAP*ing that was occurring. I was sweating profusely and was completely exhausted. After another couple of minutes, I came down, and went immediately to sleep.

During this whole time, in the real world, I was actually up and moving about and saying things. After the first part, apparently I looked my girlfriend straight in the eyes and started saying 'help me', and just repeating that over and over and over again. I have no recollection of being able to recognize her, or ever saying 'help me'. At one point I had gotten up, and had looked out of the doorway and saw my dog outside of my bedroom door. I was talking to the dog and telling her to help me, too. Eventually I sat back down on the bed and started crying, and that's the point when my girlfriend embraced me, and I 'caught' her in one of the folding worlds.

I think I've figured out the drug, and as a result have no desire to ever do it again. It causes a complete break between my conscious and unconscious mind. My conscious mind is divorced completely from all of my senses (except touch), all of my memories, and all of my perceptions of self and what is real. My unconscious mind maintains a connection to my conscious mind but the signal only goes one way. My unconscious mind sees my conscious mind in a panic, and tries to react appropriately, but there's only so much my unconscious mind can do without my conscious mind. It can't get me out of Salvia-land. This relationship can only lead to panic.

A really integral part, I've realized, to the Salvia experience is what it does to my sense of touch. Many people have reported a 'pins and needles' feeling. At higher doses, the pins and needles turn into meat cleavers, and they are all synchronized and hammering my entire body at the same time. I believe that feeling is what lead me to believe that the entire world was folding in on itself over and over again.

This experience was so incredibly real and painful (in a very deep and spiritual sense), that I have no wish to ever duplicate it. I don't think that Salvia holds any meaning, spiritually, because everything is so artificial, and all it does is make me doubt the real world. I take psychedelic drugs because I want to see the real world, my ego, my soul and myself in different ways. I have no desire to become other things. I have no desire to live in a flat plastic world. I have no desire to be a table.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76813
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2013Views: 4,173
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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