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Inescapable Warmth
Zolpedim, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone & Alcohol
Citation:   BrotherBear. "Inescapable Warmth: An Experience with Zolpedim, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone & Alcohol (exp76837)". May 6, 2013.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:25   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:25 1 cup oral Alcohol  
  T+ 2:00 2.5 mg oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 2:00 2.5 mg insufflated Oxycodone  
  T+ 2:50 7.5 mg insufflated Hydrocodone  
Precursor to the events that took place on February 6th, 2009, I had been grounded for a drug related issue. Although at high school, I had happened to obtain some Zolpidem tartrate, commonly know as Ambien in the United States. I had been interested in pharmaceuticals for quite some time, and three 10mg pills were only $6 so I took advantage of such a generous offer. I had to wait until Friday to initiate the inebriation, but I already had some friends ready to come and whisk me away from my unlawful punishment.

T+0:15 - After taking two Ambien 10mg, I began to have a very heavy feeling developing in my head and chest, and became subject to some odd movements of inebriety. I decided to lay my head down on my bed and appreciate the physical benefits of Ambien. After gazing at my closet for a while, I noticed its squarely decorated front begin to shift and sway, even breathe in a slow, uniform way. I looked around only to recognize that everything had become so much more immersive, walking on the carpet was like traversing soft flowing sand. For an arbitrary reason, I began to think about plants. After closing my eyes for a short period, I opened them only to see a bright green bushel of vegetation emerging from my carpet. I then received an AIM message from my friends notifying me of the chance of them swinging by my house later in the evening. I accepted their offer to peak me up and visit a friend’s house for a little “party”, and decided to meet up with them at 11:30 outside my house.

T+1:00 - I had one extra pill with me, and decided I would insufflate it when we got to my friends house to increase the peak of the experience. On the car ride there, I was tripping fairly hard. I gradually grew annoyed of my sober friends, and felt a little jealous of the clarity that they possessed. As we got to my friends house, I had to hold a girls hand to get through various obstacles safely. Everything was feeling numb, but in a warm, soothing way. The same way one would feel after having a hot shower. I insufflated the third pill and suffered a bombastic burning sensation. After the task was complete my friends and I dove into voluptuous discussion dealing with everything from inside jokes to personal epiphanies. An analytical game we always loved to play, was the dissection of certain words to expose their connotations, and how each individual has different feelings about different words.

T+1:25 - Feeling intensely euphoric and empathogeneous, I embraced my friends several times. We then agreed to slink over to the garage area of her house and smoke some cannabis. After completing this activity, the hallucinations became fairly intense. I remember feeling very magnetic and having pillars of support surround me. Wanting to lean on one of these pillars, I attempted to lean back, only to fall through a vivid hallucination and embarrass myself. I was in a very comfortable environment, talking to some of my closest friends intelligently about drugs, philosophy and life in general. A bottle of pomegranate peach schnapps was being passed around, and against my better judgment, I enjoyed about a glass of it. Lights were becoming softer, and the extrovert in general was becoming easier to understand. The thoughts I experienced seemed to melt from the concrete into the abstract.

T+2:00 - Now things were starting to get a bit weird. Although I was having a good time, my mind was exploding into thought of arbitrary memories, almost like my life was flashing before my eyes. I did my best to sit down on the couch, inhabited partially by my friend. I fell asleep on her for what must have been about 20 minutes, and woke up feeling mellow and centered. Wanting to prolong this feeling, I purchased a single pill of Oxycodone (5mg) and attempted to divide it up equally. I took one-half orally, and insufflated the other half a short time afterward. This brought on a familiar feeling of warmth and lucidity, which I felt could resemble hydrocodone, which I was hoping to come into contact with. At this time, another bowl was enjoyed with my friends, and even some others who I had befriended that evening. We talked cordially about the chemistry of common life, and I found my ability to produce statements of logical structure even better than I am able to while sober.

T+2:50 - Lucky for me, another friend of mine happened to swing by and supply me with one Vicodin (7.5mg). I insufflated all of it within 10 minutes of the purchase, and was kicked in to a state of the subconscious. I waddled aimlessly throughout the house, bust I still felt some emotion keeping me euphoric. Unfortunately, this brought a close to my adventurous evening as my ride was leaving. The card ride home was mellow, yet intense and concrete. I felt almost ignorant to all the other feelings of possible loneliness/ self exploration that I was experiencing, but the combination of psychoactives was by far the most neutralizing I’ve ever tried. Of course my trusted friend got me home safely, and I was in the house while under the radar in no time.

T+6:35 - I do believe that was the most lucid sleep I’ve ever had. But, I have a moderately hard time recollecting the events of last night. I just remembered hallucinations, intensity and an overwhelming sense of unity. I woke up at 6:00AM to go take the test to get my learner’s permit. I got my license first try, passing all the questions. Although feeling a little bit hazy, my mental performance was not really impaired. I would not recommend using any drugs while submitting to the completion of a job/activity. Psychoactives of all kinds must be used with caution and respect. With this trip came understanding, but also a monitory of the use of copious amounts of drugs.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2013Views: 14,082
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143), Oxycodone (176), Hydrocodone (111), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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