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Rather Boring
Unknown (Sold as LSD)
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "Rather Boring: An Experience with Unknown (Sold as LSD) (exp76880)". Feb 13, 2009.

1.5 hits oral Unknown (blotter / tab)
Anon acquired 5 hits of supposed lsd.

Abt. 9:30a.m.: Drop 1

Abt. 11a.m.: A not quite euphoric high begins to build, w/ slight anxiety

Abt. 12p.m.: Rising high stalls and almost disappears until 1p.m.

Abt.2p.m.: Heavy 'stoned' feeling sets in w/o usual psychedelic character. More a narcotic, opiate-like stoned, only slightly trippy. Not dysphoric but not esp. 'happy' and lightheaded like LSD is (for anon.).

Abt. 3 p.m.: Peak. Kind of an LSA/alcohol type inebriation, w/o LSA nausea. Neither deeply meditative or fun, rather boring really. No visuals aside from subtle color variations and waving (but not exactly) effect on objects.

3-5 p.m.: Pretty even plateau. Gradual drop off until sometime after 12 a.m. Slept poorly.

Conclusion: CERTAINLY not LSD. A wild guess it was some RC, a phen maybe, tho. based on reading only, anon has no exp. aside from mesc. The blotter was unperforated and an off white color...anon pitched remaining blotter.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76880
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2009Views: 9,943
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LSD (2), Unknown (120) : What Was in That? (26), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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