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Walking Into the Nothing and the Tree People
Citation:   Azgaza. "Walking Into the Nothing and the Tree People: An Experience with LSD (exp77295)". Feb 18, 2016.

100 ug   LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
This was not quite my first LSD experience but it's one of my favorite ones to date. It was my 12th trip on LSD and the first report I’m translating to English on purpose because it's one of the few experienced I’d like to share with more then just the Dutch. It was mostly a very interesting experience visually. I found the visuals of this experience to be extremely typical for a medium to high dose of LSD which is why I assume it might be interesting to read especially for those less experienced and maybe recognisable for the more experienced psychonauts.

I was mainly looking for a visual experience in a party setting prior to the trip. My trip before this one had been a very mild dose and not overly interesting due to the location. It ended up more of a social relaxing night spiced up by some nice visuals. Mainly because of that I was looking for a full blown psychedelic experience once again. We decided on the perfect location; a squatted hippie village where they have monthly psy trance parties. The main dance floor is in a squatted church which with the natural church acoustics leads to possibly the most impressive sound system ever, although it's an acquired taste, people tend to love it or be annoyed by it. One more background fact might be that I had been in that village often as a child because my mother was friends with a few hippies there and they shared a field nearby where they kept horses and I’d often come along. This place isn’t just a good location for a party but also something connected to my entire youth and childhood, making the experiences there always feel a little deeper than the ones outside of Ruigoord.

So for the experience itself:
Once we arrived at the party we sat down at the church first. We decided to take the LSD at exactly 11 pm, because that would make it easier to know the duration of the trip once we’d be in it. We walked down a little street next to the church that goes to a large body of water held back by a dike. We always take that dike as point of rest in any trip so we decided it’d be a nice and calm place to take the drug. I took 2/3rd of a hit I had left, the amount I took would be an estimated 100 ug as hits of this sheet had been tested in a lab and were found to contain 175 ug on average, which even here is considered a high dose for one hit. My friend Maria took half a hit but at the time she’d always take a bit less then I would.

We quickly headed back to the party and sat down at the exact same place we had been before. After about fifteen minutes the well-known feeling in the back of my head started showing up but visually the trip had me waiting a few minutes longer. We decided to head outside again and check the official chill out, which is a small gnome house where they serve chai tea. When we were in there the trip started showing up visually, with mostly fractal like patterns on the floor. At that time we had no idea what visual madness would be waiting for us that night.

For some reason we decided to leave the rather comfortable home, possibly because I got the feeling my face was being boiled on one side by the heater in there. I’m not sure what we did up to that point but by now it was around midnight and the visuals were slowly but steadily building up. We decided to go for a little walk to the dike again. This time we found a cat that decided to follow us there. Maria found the cat a little annoying but I found it good company. When arriving on the dike we came to the conclusion it was very, very dark and we couldn’t even see where we were walking. I was feeling quite up for the walk even though we couldn’t see where we were going but Maria was a bit anxious about the darkness and the fact she couldn’t see where she’d put her feet. We decided to walk a bit further but once we got to a point where there's a row of trees Maria decided she didn’t want to go on walking the round. I then suggested using glowsticks as torches but that was a very stupid idea, mostly due to the fact they were far too bright and blinding us, leading to the fact we saw even less of where we were heading.

We walked on for a bit holding the overly bright glowsticks behind our back. I told Maria if we’d just walk on in a straight line it would be easy enough to just get there but she really didn’t want to. During the walk on the dike the visuals were slowly building up to the peak. I mostly noticed when we turned aroud to walk back. The middle of my vision was a line and both halves were mirror images of each other, and I literally saw no path at all, just water. On good faith I walked back, using my feet to feel if I was walking or ground or on water, I wouldn’t have been able to tell visually. With some luck we did not fall into the water and managed to make it back safely. We walked back to the gnome house but unfortunately it had completely filled up with people. When looking at the church door we could see it was pretty obvious that was not a place for us to be either. We decided to sit on one of the blocks they had put there for people to sit on. There was a tree right in the middle of my vision which I didn’t quite enjoy but we decided to stay there and smoke one joint anyway. After complaining about the tree blocking my vision for a while we decided to sit somewhere else.

For unknown reasons we decided that wasn’t the place to be either but we left the glowsticks. We walked around for a bit feeling a bit out of place with no good place to just sit and stare at the visuals so after a while we decided to sit at the block with the tree once again. By lack of anything better to do I decided to look at the gravel and wow!! The gravel was completely made up of faces, with hands on them and a sort of skeleton like trees, and all of them moved and pulsated in the rhythm of the ever changing patterns. The patterns would constantly shift as well from completely abstract and beautiful multi-coloured fractals, and if I’d look closer they’d change back to faces and hands. I asked Maria what she saw in the gravel, she said it looked like little houses. At the moment I had asked that the faces became half face and half house, which obviously looked a little odd. While I was speaking out loud what I saw I looked on. Some of them were so odd I couldn’t find words at the time for them. One of the most insane ones were backwards praying plaque suffering christians in massive circles that kept letting themselves fall back and the moment they’d hit the ground they were bones and then dust. One moment later it was a giant field of cats that kept all rhythmically moving their heads, and all of their eyes together were another multi-coloured pattern that moved on itself.

The trees in the distance were growing in and out and all the branches grew out more branches and they all kept moving just this tiny bit further then I expected they would, the tree looked like it had more then one dimension at the same time and some parts would slide down, some up and each time it’d move I felt this wave of amazement. I had some interesting thoughts at this point but they mostly consisted of a feeling of wonder at what the LSD was doing to my vision and are extremely difficult to describe. Every tree I’d look at would move in this odd way, and if I’d look back to the gravel it started morphing straight away. Also the church was part of the visual madness, it would grow, collapse, shift to the side, the other side, into itself and up again, like it was dancing to the music that was coming from it. We decided to take one look into the gnome house as it was quite cold outside but unfortunately it was still filled completely with people.

We sat down again on some blocks a little closer to the gnome house and ended up in conversation with some of the people that were also sitting there. They were looking for LSD but we had brought leftovers for ourselves to take so we had nothing to share with them. One of them gave us the advice to walk to the dike but we laughed at that saying we knew exactly what that dike was like. After I rolled two joints there and we had talked some more to the friendly strangers we walked back to the dike. The cat followed us once again, Maria still didn’t like it. I was in a very cat-inspired mood so I enjoyed the fact our companion for the moment was a cat. While walking down the path I kept seeing ‘people’. They were two dimensional and black and not very detailed. They’d constantly appear in the middle of the path and then fall sidewards and the moment they hit the side of the path they’d turn into trees. The visual was almost a pattern in itself, very odd to look at it. In the end it turned out there were real people as well besides the tree people and we found ourself in no state to communicate with even more strangers so we quickly headed back.

Unfortunately it was a cold night, it was almost freezing and especially Maria was annoyed by this, as I personally can tolerate cold quite a bit better then she can, especially when on LSD. As time passed the cold got so annoying we decided to warm up for a bit in the church, which was the dance floor. This was overly, overly full and we got the feeling we didn’t even fit in there. The faces of the people were morphing and it looked surreal, but mostly very crowded, not very pleasant so we left very quickly. We decided to go for another and third walk around the dike, we tend to walk around a lot while tripping. I found it to be a good way to release some of the energy it gives making the experience mentally much more mellow. The clouds at the dike were as impressive and the gravel had been earlier that evening. Everything turned into this beautiful mass of dancing patterns and the trees were beautiful moving black silhouettes on the sky line.

We were sort of still looking for a nice place to find some rest but apparently this party didn’t have a permit for a camp fire so there wasn’t any place that wasn’t either over crowded or very cold. While walking around I heard bird sounds that were equally fractalised as my entire surrounding. The world was a psychedelic painting that went through all my senses.
The world was a psychedelic painting that went through all my senses.
A few strangers attempted a fire anyway but it only lasted for about 15 minutes as people came to put it out even quicker then it took the people to make the fire in the first place. Here another visual peak of the trip came. I realised at some point just staring into the space that each time I’d blink the world would be sort of reset, and the visuals would start again from the real world. I decided to not blink for a while and see what it would do. My theory proved to be true as while I kept my eyes open the trees would move further apart and become much more fractalised. From time to time everything got really blurry, then moved extremely fast and became extremely sharp. New patterns started shaping in between the trees and then I kind of had to blink because my eyes got a little dry so I went for a second try.

This second attempt, two trees in the distance started rising up in a sort of bow. They got arms and started dancing around and moving as if they were people, it was extremely realistic. There was a tiny trunk in the middle and they made movements with their arms as if they were caring for it. I was stumbling in amazement and couldn’t even tell Maria the impressive thing I just saw. We finally found some space in the gnome house (at 5 am) and quickly rolled a joint in there. It was still a little uncomfortable being with so many people in such a small space so we decided to walk around around the field once more. Maria was finally convinced it was light enough to walk the full round so finally we went ahead. The walk was comparable to the previous two times. Around the water the clouds and trees still reminded a lot of fast shifting fractal art, I moved my hand across my vision and the tracers merged in with the other patterns already there. On the way to the trees I couldn’t see the path, it again looked as if there was water in front of me but I could see a few meters before my feet, so I knew I was walking on (heavily patterned) ground.

Even though it was still very dark we managed to make the end of the round safely and we sat down in front of the gnome house. I had been carrying a french bread in my bag all that time and decided to eat a bit of it. For some reason that really warmed us up so the cold was eliminated from that point. I must mention it was also getting light a bit. We socialised quite a bit with the people around us at this time, I listened to a conversation for a while some other people had and was surprised how such a normal conversation was held at a party like that.

From the church we could see the first people going home so we had a chance of being able to dance without being squeezed together in a too tiny room now. As we saw that we decided to go into the church to attempt to dance. It was still very crowded but there was some space to move around so we decided to dance for a bit. The music wasn’t quite perfect though, we couldn’t get into the rhythm properly so we went back out. This was the first time we fit comfortably in the gnome house so we decided to sit there for a while.

The few people who were sitting there as well turned out to have been in the same school I was in a few years earlier and two of them turned out to be members of a Dutch drug-related forum where I am the moderator. That led to good conversations and we smoked joint after joint there, finally having the time to do the relaxing we had been waiting for all night. Outside the sun had come up and it was quite a lovely morning. Not as cold anymore and somewhat sunny. One of the people we ran into had taken a lot of MDMA and his eyes kept rolling away but it didn’t disturb me at all. The patterns by now were moving a bit less heavily but the trip hadn’t come down that much yet. While talking there I could hear some good fast and psychedelic beats coming from the church so we decided it was time to dance psychedelic.

While dancing I lost all track of time. Everything around me seemed faded and I kept thinking strange sentences while the music seemed to move me instead of me moving to the music. One of the sentences I thought was, I want to put the now into the everything. I had been thinking about the concept of time a lot
I had been thinking about the concept of time a lot
as it was slowed down and the ‘present’ seemed to be a much wider concept then it usually is. After dancing for more then an hour we were finally hot instead of cold so we decided to go outside and cool down. Sitting down on the block near the gravel again I saw the same complicated colourful patterns as easily as in the night even though now the sun was shining. The visuals were only just starting to get a little less strong, this was one lengthy heavy trip. We decided, after we had cooled down, it was the perfect moment to dance so we went back into the church which was now even getting quite empty. This time dancing seemed even more amazing then the previous time we had done it. I decided for that moment LSD can be quite a party drug if you know how to party. I thought much and nothing at all in the same time. There weren’t many words but many visions in my mind, words didn’t fit onto my thoughts at that point.

In a strange way it seemed like I had infinite energy, it was around 7.30 in the morning, possibly even later and I was dancing like I couldn’t do anything else in the world. It wasn’t even me who was dancing, the music was dancing me and had become a part of me. I couldn’t refuse the music. Maria did not have the endless energy I had so we decided to go check for the bus times. Together. That would still be another hour away and seeing as we had to wait anyway I convinced her to stay a little longer. Until the end we sat on the block, danced briefly for one more time and around 10 am we finally left the party to go home. At home I still had visuals and thus unavoidable LSD insomnia so it took till far past noon before I finally slept.

It was a very fulfilling trip. Even though the report doesn’t show it, it was quite social, while both Maria and I were socially quite shy at this time of our lives, it seemed like a bit of a breakthrough on that point. Also the visuals, as described as best as I can above, were well impressive and added a lot to a beautiful experience.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77295
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 18, 2016Views: 2,846
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LSD (2) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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