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Rectal Administration - Doubling Down
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Psychonaut52. "Rectal Administration - Doubling Down: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp77466)". Jul 25, 2017.

T+ 0:00
2 capsls rectal Salvia divinorum
  T+ 0:30 4 capsls rectal Salvia divinorum
  T+ 1:00 8 capsls rectal Salvia divinorum
After recently acquiring an ounce of salvia divinorum leaves, I tried smoking the leaves in a pipe using a butane lighter to little effect. I was only able to take two rips off the pipe. After attempting a third hit, I started gagging and was unable to hold the smoke down. I felt mild changes in my perception and also felt very off-balance, almost as if I were drunk. The taste it left in my mouth caused me to gag a few more times after this, but I never actually vomited (note: I had also been smoking about a joint of cannabis prior to this, which could have prevented me from throwing up).

Following this less-than-spectacular experience and knowing I couldn't handle the taste of chewing salvia, I decided to try rectal administration of salvia. First, I ground up my salvia and then put it into some gel caps that I had lying around. As I don't have a scale, I didn't have a way to measure the exact amount of salvia was consuming, so I estimated low and only tried two gel caps of salvia. I had very mild effects, almost like taking a small hit of cannabis, but this might very well have been placebo. After about 30 minutes, I decided I'd try again with a somewhat higher dose. I filled 4 caps with salvia and administered them rectally. Again, I had some very light perceptional changes, but nothing I thought significant. I did notice, however, that I seemed to be much more sexually aroused than normal.

After the first two failed experiments, I tried doubling the dose yet again and administered 8 gel caps of salvia rectally. Once again, I noticed very mild changes in my perception. Music was slightly more interesting and my depth perception was slightly altered and I was sexually aroused once again. The effects came up very slowly, peaked at around 15-20 minutes, and subsided in all cases.

In conclusion, it seems that while rectal administration of salvia is possible, it requires larger amounts to achieve effects similar to the same dose when smoked or administered orally. It is also possible that, as I have read, the anal cavity is unable to properly dissolve the gel caps properly/completely. In the future, I would like to experiment with higher doses, using extracts or stronger concentrations of leaf material, or using a liquid enema as opposed to gel caps to administer salvia rectally.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77466
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 25, 2017Views: 2,155
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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