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Just Not Worth It
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Heinosity. "Just Not Worth It: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp77497)". Feb 20, 2019.

T+ 0:25
500 mg insufflated Sceletium tortuosum
I bought 3 grams of what was advertised as 'Pharmaceutical Grade Sceletium Tortuosum' from a reputable vendor online. My package arrived that afternoon and I was somewhat excited, but not really expecting to get 'ripped' from it.

I measured 500mg out on my digital scales and held it in my mouth for about 10 minutes. It made me salivate alot, so it was really a challenge to go for 10 minutes, which seemed like forever. Finally I swallowed it with all of the saliva, and waited about 15 minutes. When I decided that wasn't going to work, I weighed another 500mg out and snorted it. This BURNED like nothing I've ever put up my nose! I tried hard to just ignore the pain and managed to get the whole 500mg up there, making sure none of it fell out of my nostrils. Again, I waited, and with the 500mg snorted + the 500mg I held in my mouth and swallowed, I still got nothing at all.

I either got some bunk Kanna, or it does nothing to me. I don't know, it was very disappointing after reading what other people have experienced, and probably never will try it again in fear of wasting money. I definitely would not suggest that anyone snort this stuff though, it was very painful. My sinuses burned and my lungs hurt for probably 3 hours afterwords, on top of that, it smells like horse shit.

I think I will stay with my Kratom and Kava for now.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77497
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2019Views: 1,095
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