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Never Again
Datura inoxia
by Jimi
Citation:   Jimi. "Never Again: An Experience with Datura inoxia (exp77843)". Jun 29, 2018.

1 seed oral Datura (seeds)
  1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I have experienced many other drugs in my past, LSD many times as well, but this was much different. I always enjoyed LSD, and had fun with it, but not with Datura. I have been growing the plant for several years, only for the beautiful flowers. A family friend had given me the seeds. At the time I knew only that they were called moonflowers. Recently I learned that they were actually Datura plants, and decided I wanted to try it out. Living alone, and having no one to watch me, I decided to try only a tiny amount, just to get a taste for it. I took one seed, approximately a year old, and held it under my tongue, I chewed it a little, then after about two minutes spit it out. I didn't really expect to feel anything.

I was sitting outside reading, and I would say about 15 minutes later it hit me. It was not a gradual building of intensity, but rather like being hit by a freight train. A hot flush started at my head and ran the length of my body. I felt completely out of sorts. I ran into my house and locked the door. I sat on the couch and threw off my sweatshirt. My heart had began fluttering in my chest. Everything began to look and feel weird. I could not sit still. I could not stop stretching my arms and legs.
I tried to calm myself but couldn't. I began to think I might have to go to the hospital.

I decided to try to keep myself busy and see how things progressed. I put a load of clothes in the washer. The sound was deafening. It was driving me mad. I tried to make myself vomit but couldn't. I went to the bathroom and urinated. I turned off the washer. I decided I needed to eat something. I put some frozen waffles in the toaster. Then turned the washer back on. I could not sit, so I began walking circles around my house, kicking one of my cats toys in front of me the whole time. I was scared.
I turned off the washer. I decided I needed to eat something. I put some frozen waffles in the toaster. Then turned the washer back on. I could not sit, so I began walking circles around my house, kicking one of my cats toys in front of me the whole time. I was scared.
Wondering if I should call for help or go to the hospital, how long this would last, if I was going to be much sicker.

My waffles were done, I tried to eat them, but they were hard, I threw them out. I tried to have a cigarette, but it was awful. I tried watching TV but it freaked me out. I walked back outside. My heart was still racing. I saw some kids across the street, they looked bizarre. Everything looked bizarre, like I was seeing it for the first time. Tiny details screamed out too me. A tiny worm on the sidewalk, patterns in the cement sidewalk, it was all so vivid. I began pacing my sidewalk

I used my Zen meditation breathing to calm myself a little and my heartbeat. Occasionally my legs got very light, and I could not feel them. I had been ready to drive to the hospital, but decided to wait things out. I began pulling dead branched from the tree, thinking that they were making the tree unhappy. And the huge maple tree there, I thought I could feel it's lifeforce, I could perhaps hear it's breathing.

I went back in the house and walked more circles. I threw up the tiny bit of waffle I had eaten. I tried to watch more tv but couldn't. I switched the clothes into the dryer. Then I think I went back outside, but I'm not sure. All of this started around 1 pm. By around 3 I started to calm down a bit. I went upstairs and slept for about 2 hours. I felt much better on waking, but then things got weird shortly after. I went downstairs and watched tv for awhile. I was feeling better, and decided to venture out for some food. I drove to a drive thru, which was very crazy. The whole world seemed to have just shifted a little, nothing made sense. I got my food and got back home. I felt worse again, heart still racing. The effects of the plant seemed to come at me in waves. It would subside, then swell and crash down on me. I managed to eat a quesadilla, with a huge effort I was able to keep it down. It was around 8pm by this time. I curled up on the couch and proceeded to watch tv for the next few hours, letting things run their course. By about 1 am I was starting to feel tired and was not feeling a lot better so I went to bed.

I don't know if I did anything else during this time frame. I had no one around to watch me, so, I may or may not have hallucinated and done things I don't remember. It is now 24hrs later, and though I feel almost myself again, I still feel weird. I will never experiment with this Plant again. It was only one seed, and I did not even swallow it, and the effect it had on me was very powerful. Datura is much more powerful than anything I have ever tried and much more dangerous as well. I can remember many times during the experience praying to God to keep me safe and alive.There was nothing good about me experience at all. I did not have a deep spiritual experience or find any clues about the meaning of life. I just felt sick and scared and completely out of sorts. I can only imagine how much worse it would have been if I had taken more of the stuff. I am just greatful to be alive and still sane.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77843
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2018Views: 4,901
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