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The Dream That Wouldn't End
Melatonin & Dreams
Citation:   LenBias. "The Dream That Wouldn't End: An Experience with Melatonin & Dreams (exp78052)". Jul 3, 2009.

3 mg   Melatonin
I would take Melatonin on and off when I needed or wanted to fall asleep early. I never had a problem with it before and I found the dreams I would have while on it to be quite interesting. This particular time I took Melatonin I had an extremely unusual dream which involved many strange things, but mostly the death of a loved one caused by my own hand. The problem with this dream is that it wouldn't end.

I woke myself up several times from the dream, but whenever I would fall back asleep, the dream would continue. I didn't have anything to wake up for, so I kept falling back asleep and kept re-entering this dream. This happened about 3 times until I finally got out of bed. This wasn't an awful dream, but it was sad and strange in so many ways that it was more unsettling to see these things play out.

I will still absolutely use Melatonin because of the gentle way it puts me to sleep and mainly because the dreams are the most bizarre and entertaining things I have ever experienced.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 78052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 3, 2009Views: 18,192
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Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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