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Buzz in Afghanistan
Kratom (20x extract)
Citation:   Nortyy. "Buzz in Afghanistan: An Experience with Kratom (20x extract) (exp78173)". Jan 23, 2010.

  repeated   Kratom (extract)
Well here I am in a combat zone fighting the war on terror. A little background of my situation is as follows. I'm a private in the U.S. Army reserve currently deployed to a FOB (forward operating base) in northeast Afghanistan. Before I was sent overseas I was on a Suboxone program that was going pretty good. While being deployed here I really wanted to get that ole opiate feeling in me but had absolutely no way of doing that unless I was shot or blown up neither of which would be fun.

Then I remembered as a teenager me and my buddies ordered some Kratom online but I believe that it was fake or very poor quality as it didn't have any effects at all except the placebo. This time while I was here I ordered 20X extract from a vendor I read online I could trust. It also works out nicely that this substance is 100% legal in the USA the US Army and Afghanistan. So even if I was caught with it all I'd have to say is that I don't consume it and they can't do anything about it.

Now for the buzz, the buzz is perfect IMO for the kind of work I do and the situation I'm in. I typically use 1-3 tsp. per dose and I find it's very helpful for the repetitive work I do day in and day out, but the buzz doesn't fuck me up so much that if need be I can be combat ready jonny on the spot. It's a great way to relax when the days mission is complete or to use to get a days work done while being in a good mood the whole time. I'd say it has motivating qualities of amphetamines and at the same time relaxes me like a good dose of morphine or hydrocodone. No itchyness though. I have shared it with other fellow soldiers and have all good reviews from them. I really can't believe this stuff is legal in the states still. I also have no problem shipping it here and on the customs declaration it just says 'incense'.

All in all this is a great LEGAL substance to have in a situation like this as there's not much else here to look forward to at the end of the day or at any part of the day for that matter.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78173
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 23, 2010Views: 13,395
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Military (48)

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