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Utterly Euphoric
Lavender Oil
Citation:   Inifinity Panther. "Utterly Euphoric: An Experience with Lavender Oil (exp78374)". Mar 7, 2023.

  insufflated Lavandula spp. (extract)

Many many moons ago I was a little stressed and felt like going to sleep with some lavender, taking into account my stress I applied way too much lavender oil on my pillow and under my nose. Brief, I went to sleep well, but this is not the point. What is interesting and I think related to the lavender is that when I woke up I felt very different, I would describe it as utterly euphoric or blissful, I was so happy to be awake. I think I had school, but this didn't bother me, I felt fantastic! I didn't care about school at all, it is that state where anything stressful or bad or traumatic rolls off like water, I was impervious. I just enjoyed it, I hugged my legs to my chest because I felt so cuddly and I was smiling very broadly.

I came to a strange conclusion about life, that I fully remembered and used to chill out for about 2 days, it was something to do with each human having a bubble of consciousness around them and it extends to what I can hear, smell, touch, taste etc. I came to the conclusion that a good way to chill out was to remind myself of this bubble, that nothing existed outside of it, that if I live in my bubble, I am in the moment. It brought a sense of great calmness and happiness and I told anyone who would listen to me and not think me insane.

I thought it would be amazing to harness these effects, so I did some research to see if it was possible to smoke lavender, or soak lavender in lavender oil and then smoke it, this seemed like a great idea, until I found out that there was something in lavender that was cytotoxic. All in all it was kinda cool waking up like that, but I was disappointed that I could not try and replicate the feeling safely. This didn't stop me from sniffing lavender bottles right up to the nose to give me a sort of pleasant sedation.

The panther

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 78374
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2023Views: 643
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Lavandula spp. (461) : Alone (16), Health Benefits (32), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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