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More Than Just the DXM
Madagascar Periwinkle
Citation:   O'reily. "More Than Just the DXM: An Experience with Madagascar Periwinkle (exp78385)". May 30, 2020.

1 leaf smoked Periwinkle (dried)
  1 flower smoked Periwinkle (dried)
It was a particularly warm Saturday night in mid-spring. The weather had been clear and not too humid. I was looking for something to do when I remembered reading about Madagascar periwinkle being psychoactive to some extent and went on a walk around my block to look for some.

I found a large bush near the road and picked about 8 leaves and several flowers. Upon returning home I put them in the microwave for about 2 minutes on high which dried them quite thoroughly. I then loaded one leaf and one flower into my bong and lit them up.

-One hit: Smoke extremely harsh, even through bong
-Two hits: Fuzz comes over my mind, smoke still harsh but I don't mind
-Three hits: Noticeable impairment and mind fuzz while I attempt to light my lighter again.
-Four hits: more powerful effects from the third hit.
-Five hits: There is nothing left in the bowl and I cant help but focus on a shirt that I left on the floor, I dont want to look away from it, nor can I. I cant think about anything, I don't think about anything except 'Why am I staring at a shirt?'

After what I guess to be about 15 seconds, this effect wears off and I am able to look around. Things that are close seem closer, things that are far seem very far away. I find talking to my family hard, I stumble over syllables and search my mind viciously for the correct vocabulary but find nothing. Calm, happy, slightly drowsy but not tired feelings continue for 2 hours after the initial hit.

I found this experience interesting, although I was hoping for something more intense. It left my heart racing, but my mind calm. I had recently had some hard problems, but was in a good mood at the time of the experience, I was looking for some answers but I found only a high, not a meditative trip as I was hoping. Perhaps next time I will mix it with an opiate for a more relaxing affect, or some cannabis to help reduce the harshness of the smoke.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2020Views: 1,089
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Periwinkle (351) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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