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Hypothermia-induced flashback?
Hypothermia & Cannabis
by Kyle
Citation:   Kyle. "Hypothermia-induced flashback?: An Experience with Hypothermia & Cannabis (exp7843)". Nov 24, 2001.

  smoked Cannabis
Just a few days ago, I experienced my first flashback. The drugs I have done are: Marijuana (all the time, from 2 hits to 1/2 oz), DXM (under 6 times, from 8 C&C pills to 32), Alcohol (under 10 times, only puking and passing out once), Datura (4 times, from tea and 1 to 3 pods worth of seeds eaten), Mescaline (once, 2 pellets), Mushrooms (30-40 times, from 1/16 oz to 1/4 oz of the STRONG stuff), and LSD (8 times, from 2-7 hits).

The only bad trips I've had were from Datura. I have had good trips from acid, shrooms, and mescaline, but get a little bit nervous from them, even a little bit on weed.

The experience: It was a very cold day, and my friend dared me to go in the river near my house. I got on my swimming suit and jumped in. It was the coldest water I've felt in my life, and I could barely move. I could barely stand the coldness, but went all the way under a few times. After about 10 minutes of swimming, I looked up at the clouds, and they were swirling and shifting just like when I looked at them on acid. No mindf***, but I got visual hallucinations (or should I say distortions, I consider hallucinations the stuff I see on Datura), a head/body high/euphoria, and mild audio distortions. This lasted for only about 5 minutes. My friend told me I looked like I was dead (my body was white/blue from the freezing water), and I wasn't even shivering (this water was under 40 degrees F). I got out of the water, took a shower, got dressed, then went to my friend's house (3 houses away from mine, he went home when I took a shower). We smoked 2 bowls, and the flashback came back for another minute (just the visuals this time, along with the usual marijuana high).

Altogether, the flashback wasn't too intense (if I'd got it while driving it wouldn't impair me to the point where I'd crash or get pulled over), but it was pretty fun. I may have gotten hypothermia, but I never went to the hospital or anything.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7843
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2001Views: 4,532
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Cannabis (1) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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