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Scared I Would Never Come Back
Citation:   Scotty. "Scared I Would Never Come Back: An Experience with DMT (exp78594)". Apr 13, 2018.

80 mg smoked DMT
Alone in my room. No light. No sound. I screwed on the steel cap to the bowl of my bubbler (dry) and wrapped my blanket around me.

After about my fourth lungful, I had to keep reminding myself how to light the lighter and smoking the bubbler in general became increasingly difficult. With the 7th or 8th rip brightly lit rooms were pouring out of the pipe at every direction. The next time I saw my bubbler it was on the ground 5 feet away from me.

For the next five minutes or so my concept of the spacetime reality was completely flushed away to reveal the one behind it. Reality still felt normal but by now I had been completely transported to somewhere or something else. Boxes and brightly colored rooms and spinning geometric shapes spun and twisted all around me. I could feel my back against the wall, yet when I tried to look behind me my back would spin around behind me and I would be forced to turn back around.

Everything was happening so fast I never had a chance to even realize I was in a different place. I knew I was starting to come back when I saw the blue light flash on my laptop, and realized that I felt completely removed from my body and brain. I started getting worried that I might stay in this psychosis because I could not think of anything normal, and my train of thought felt more like a river that had been dammed up and flooded the whole cosmos.
I could not think of anything normal, and my train of thought felt more like a river that had been dammed up and flooded the whole cosmos.
Three times I reminded myself of Joe Rogan's words, 'You could smoke DMT every day of your life and it would never hurt you.'

I was sick of being insecure about which world I was supposed to be in so I laid in my bed for another few minutes feeling totally wacky and trying to go to sleep.

I then decided that I might feel better if I went online and made an experience report, and it actually helped quite a bit.

I think I'm gonna wait quite a while before going back to that place.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78594
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 1,118
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DMT (18) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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