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Rapid Onset Following Interpulmonary Admin
Citation:   Guinea pig. "Rapid Onset Following Interpulmonary Admin: An Experience with Melatonin (exp78747)". Jun 8, 2009.

20 mg smoked Melatonin (pill / tablet)
Subject is an experienced melatonin user by oral administration commonly taking doses in the range of 15-18mg but has taken as much as 33mg at once.

Two 10mg extended time release melatonin tablets were smoked through a bong. Some mild effects were noticed immediately but might have been placebo. By 10min the effects began to noticeably increase producing a sense in the face and visual perceptual state similar to smoking moxy and MIPT. However the euphoria produced by those substances was replaced by a deep sense of sedation and analytical concentration. Peak was reached by 30min and physically was very intensely stupefying. Although the mind at this point has a tendency to get lost wondering in thought it still feels very sharp. This test suggests significantly higher serum levels can be reached with interpulmonary administration when compared to oral administration. Peak effects began to subside within the hour.

Subject did not find smoking the starch, B6, and other impurity containing tablets pleasurable and did not suggest repeating the experience. However an interest in pure melatonin was expressed.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78747
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2009Views: 8,953
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Melatonin (94) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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