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Tripping Really Hard, but Can Maintain a Calm
Citation:   wtfmate212. "Tripping Really Hard, but Can Maintain a Calm: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp78794)". May 28, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:35 2 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:15   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:55 2 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:45 1 tablet oral Pharms - Zolpidem  
My First 2C-T-2 Trip

Took first dose at about 11:15, a tiny 3mg line, was no problem to blow. No drip, not to harsh, overall not bad at all. Such a tiny amount. Consistent thin line of powder no longer than half an inch.

11:25 Started feeling different, assuming I must be pleceboing myself. Gradual but noticeable change from sober to non, the colors seem brighter especially around my peripherals. I'm seeing small amounts of random flashes concentrated on the outlines of things such as the legs of my desk, and my monitor. Noticing more and more flashes of spots, randomly very brightly and detailed, but mostly very small quick flashes.

11:45 I definitely feel different. My hair feels much softer, and all of a sudden got a minor wave of nausea. Took out my trashcan to have a fresh bag for puking just in case. When I walked out to my garage, in the dark before I turned the lights on I see flashes and spots, very detailed and bright. Different sizes of white spots popping in and out of existence, some brighter than others. It's hard to tell but it looks like dark colors like dark blue and dark green in between the flashes of light.

12:15 the spots in my peripherals have now become constant, instead of somewhat random. Very intense body high mainly focused in my hands and fingertips. I would relate the feeling to when my limb falls asleep, but more enjoyable. I feel very anti-social. My brother has walked in and out a few times talking about random things, and not the things he was saying, but listening to other people talk is minorly upsetting and uncomfortable. I could talk about myself and feel great, but when someone else is talking I feel this mild sense of discomfort. This is not a social drug.

12:45 Steve and Alex left, and now I'm alone. I've been desiring to be alone for the past half hour. Not upset or frustrated with the people, I just feel like I should be alone. I've always wanted to trip alone.
I've always wanted to trip alone.
I've been listening to Boards of Canada, it's very ambient and therefore easily tuned out but still subtly noticeable. It feels as if its complementing my train of thought. It's not to progressive, but not to repetitive, it feels like a good combination. It feels different to type, my fingers feel lighter, hollow almost. The body high seems to be wearing off somewhat, I might take some more. Think I'm going to take another 2mg.
Here goes nothing

12:50 *snorting sound*
Such a small line, so easy to blow.
Starting to feel extremely minor burning sensation in my nostril. Reminds me of viks vapor rub. On a scale of 1-10 on the harshness, I would probably say immediately a 6, then drop down to a 4, and gradual decrease from then for about 1-2 minutes until its not noticeable anymore. In fact by the time I typed out this paragraph the burning has significantly decreased to almost nothing. I'm making so may typo's but I don't care whatsoever. I feel safe and comfortable by myself.

Starting to get some more tingles
Going to go listen to music for a bit.
12:54 signing off, be back soon word document.

1:00 I'm back
Too many feelings not to tell about.
The music feels alien to me. My thoughts are racing like on mushrooms but I can clearly observe myself not getting locked in thought loops and having a totally clear open mind. The folds in my pants up against my left leg feel so different, almost like someone's rubbing a constant direction on my leg very lightly.

My body feels so different. I don't feel like opening my mouth whatsoever, I feel content with my mouth closed. I feel like I don't look like I'm enjoying it from the outside, from someone else's perspective, but that's definitely not the case. I feel great. It comes in waves. Different types of waves than I've ever experienced on anything before. It feels like part of my body is being moved/stretched forward and other parts back like a shockwave traveling from my left toe to my right arm.

I'm sitting in the dark, the only light are my 2 monitors.
I'm getting more and more colorful sparkles.
I feel peaceful
Minor jaw quenching but its bearable.
I'm enjoying typing this
Time seems like its passing so slow.
Wow the txt in the document is warping smoothly more and more, especially not where I focus. It feels like bubbles are expanding, stretching the letters, and in other spots contracting, or moving around. It's very distinct. My fingers feel different, softer almost as they touch my keyboard. It keeps feeling like my phone is vibrating but it's not even in my pocket. My hands feel shaky. It's impossible for me to tell, however, if it's my hands shaking, or me hallucinating the shaking. Frankly to me it looks like both. Also I find it hard to stand, especially still. I have the desire to sit and be comfortable. I see translucent, almost nonexistent, warped fractal patterns wherever I focus. The pattern seems lopsided to the bottom right, especially when I look at my phone.

The sparkles I mentioned many times earlier are no longer flashing in and out of existence, but more traveling, some farther away, some closer, but all moving at different speeds from my perspective. I feel really clear minded, like I can explain myself well. I guess you could say I have some nausea but it's so minor I can tune it out. It feels like time is going so slow, like it feels like it took an eternity to type these last few paragraphs, and looking at the clock it's been like 3 minutes. It makes me happy that I'm writing about this.

1:15 I'm getting that asleep limb-type tingles in my arms again
1:15 I'm getting that asleep limb-type tingles in my arms again
. I'm getting very distinct movement on my wall, it seems to be spiraling clockwise onto infinity, acting like a small vortex, slowly dragging in the wall around it. I feel like I'm totally me, the same person who I am sober. I feel that I can observe these feelings from like a third perspective. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm safe, I know the wall isn't warping, but knowing that and still distinctly seeing it happen, constantly, is quite an amazing site to gaze at. I'm not scared or upset whatsoever. Everything looks really wavy. Especially when I focus in one spot. The visuals are more than the body high, but the body high is still quite fantastic, coming and going in waves.

1:30 Everything feels very different to me, not usually bad different, mostly good different or at least interesting different. I just hit a blunt, and it felt and tasted different than any blunt or bud for that matter that I've ever smoked. This is the first instance, other than listening to people talk, where its somewhat of a bad difference but not very bad. I'm usually always down for a blunt, but this is the first time where I wanted to put it out after a few hits. I'm going to see how different the wizards pipe (my bong) feels.
I'm getting some intense visuals, more distinct fractal patterns with thin lines of color overlapping. I see waves of blue travel from the left of my screen to the right ever so gradually.
The brains so fuckin crazy.

Smoking the wizards pipe, something I've done countless times day in and day out, feels foreign and new. I know exactly what I'm doing and feel that I'm in total control, but at the same time just observing and not acting. This music is tripping me out. Music is math from boards of canada. The smoke out of the bongs feels like nothing. The same constancy as air. So smooth, and it tastes a little strange.

1:42 I love this song. One of my favorites. Biaxident from liquid tension experiment. Such a beautiful song. I feel warmth pulsing through my body to the music. It appears to me that the song is happening slower than how I remember it sober. I'm getting milkdrop from this page without it even being open. It's not like any visuals I've experienced before.
Here comes the best part of the song
So gorgeous. So perfect. All the instruments working together at the perfect levels. The music in my ears feels like a flat 2 dimensional paper square shape parallel to my ears. I've never perceived sound this way before.
I feel totally at peace right now.
Warm and fuzzy too.
My ears now feel heavy as the next song starts, another favorite, when the water breaks again from liquid tension.
The music feels so there
So in front of me
I can touch it with my mind.
I feel it
Smooth distortion from the direction of the music, larger distortion when the music is at louder/more intense parts.
The same for the bass, pulsing out at me, even bigger with more distortion than treble.
This music is so beautiful so perfect.
I love this chemical.

I've never had a trip anything like this. Mushrooms are totally different. I feel that I'm tripping really hard, but at the same time can maintain a calm understanding of the situation.
I feel that I'm tripping really hard, but at the same time can maintain a calm understanding of the situation.
So many indescribable abstract patterns I'm seeing on my monitor screen. They seem quite abstract, smeared, imperfect. I like the fact that there not perfect. It seems to relax me.
These color distortions are smoothly waving around to the beat of the song playing.

2:00 just heard from Steve via txt he just took the last 5mg of his dose. I could not imagine taking 30+mg. That would be so overwhelmingly powerful and seems like it would be uncomfortable. I think I'm at a great dose. I feel fucking amazing, never felt like this in my life, I'm tripping balls, and still totally 100% aware. Txting on my phone feel totally subconscious. I don't even think about what I'm saying or how to type it, it just comes out and after I send the txt I've totally forgotten what it said. Everything feels so different. Good different. Very interesting, eye opening, new feelings I've never felt before. I'm starting to miss Steve at this point.

It feels like this music has no end to it. Liquid tension experiment is the most talented band I've ever heard. I love the progression from each feel to the next. My movements feel very smooth. So smooth that's its almost like I'm not the one moving
I think I could go for another dose. It still blows my mind how little of this stuff I need.

I feel like I'm on autopilot. I'm like making decisions without making any conscious thought. The trip is so controllable.

2:10 *snorts 3mg*
Burning more noticeable this time but I've still had much worse, sadly. The burning goes away quickly. Everything seems so unreal. So dreamlike. I think I've been typing for a long time now.

2:15 just got a very colorful wave of sparkles filling my vision. Much more vivid than previously. The visuals are definitely coming back. Everything is in constant motion. The shadows are always moving, the colors changing places. This is such an interesting experience.

I would have to say this is the best trip of my life. Its different then mushroom trips and really hard to compare. I wish I could draw better. The things I'm seeing are so beautiful, they deserve to be captured in artwork. Each second it seems like the visuals are more distinct in different ways, becoming more and more intense. My cheeks feel puffed out fully, but are not.
Damn I'm trippin.

Roxie's (my dog) body is being distorted from so many different ways and at different rates of distortion. I feel short in my chair. It almost feels like I'm flat and so is everything around me. I've never been this aware tripping this hard before. This is life changing. A completely new way of thought and perception. Damn everything is so wavy.
I've written 2000 words so far, that's quite a lot.

2:20 I feel like I need to get away from the keyboard for a minute.
*listens to music and watches milkdrop for about an hour*
3:30 Steven returns
*forgot what happened at this point*
4:00 Steve and I decide to go outside to the lake. We sit at the bench watching the trees sway over the lake, and stare at the sky, watching all the stars warping and moving around. Such a perfect night to be tripping. I see all of the street lights and houselights so clearly. I'm seeing fractal patterns in the sky. I'm walking around Steven again on autopilot, hearing Steve's voice from different directions as I walk around him. Man, I love tripping.

4:50 Just got back from outside. Most amazing night I've ever experienced. I have yet another new appreciation for what it means to be alive.
5:00 we decide to watch our favorite movie, Waking Life.
This drug perfectly complements this movie. I've seen it plenty of times sober, and gotten tons out of it, but I've never noticed this much detail from it before. I'm starting to get a bit tired at this point.

6:00 Decide to go to sleep at this point. Took an Ambien and fell asleep no problem.

Next day 11:00 Feel refreshed, not hung over at all. Such a great experience.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78794
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 28, 2018Views: 1,081
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2C-T-2 (53) : Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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