Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Sleep Deprivation....You Can Feel Something!
Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   DXMtripper. "Sleep Deprivation....You Can Feel Something!: An Experience with Sleep Deprivation (exp7888)". Oct 27, 2001.

I had this experience one night while I was hanging out with my friends in a hotel room with nothing to do. I saw one other sleep deprivation report on the experience reports and I decided I would write one on this subject because I was definantly affected by this experience. friends and I decided that we would stay up all night just for fun and we all agreed to. The only phsycoactive substance I had had that night was maybe a pipe-tobacco Black and Mild cigar but other than that I didn't have anything else. We got through the whole night doing fine talking and listening to music and then at about 8:00 in the morning we all felt a rush and were wide tiredness at all. Then an hour after that we all got really, really tired. And we all commented on we were so tired it felt like we were stoned. To some extent it did. Highly relaxed, mind kind of jiggly. You know the feeling. Anyway I just thought I would report on this since there was only one other report and it was kind of like an 'experience'.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7888
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2001Views: 9,298
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Sleep Deprivation (140) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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