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Wonderful Trip I & II..... Smile Forever:)
DMT from M. tenuiflora
Citation:   jackyinthesky. "Wonderful Trip I & II..... Smile Forever:): An Experience with DMT from M. tenuiflora (exp79131)". Nov 28, 2017.

    Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    vaporized DMT (extract)
A friend extracted DMT from mimosa hostilis (better to make from powder!!) himself and invited me twice to make a session with it.

First had a couple of beers and some weed and then tried the DMT with a vaporizer. 10 milligrams first. A very nice amount to start with. I was able to have 3 drags before no more was possible. Saw beautiful patterns (eyes closed) and after maybe 3 minutes came back to have my hand flow after itself and all a bit blurry. Nice warmth in the body.

Again 30 milligrams from the vaporizer: tastes reeeeeeeeeally badly and feels like the mouth is going to burn. Nice a bit tougher trip. And then 50 milligrams and I had such an awful taste in my mouth for the rest of the night. But the best trip ever. Eyes closed. Beautful flowing hindu goddess in the most beautiful colours. Plus a bunny when it went away. Beautiful after glow. And a smile the next day that wouldnt go away forever.
Beautiful after glow. And a smile the next day that wouldnt go away forever.

Two weeks later my friend had tried out some new ways so the taste would be better. Most of the DMT had been burnt in the vaporizer which caused the awful taste and held me back from a even more fantastic breakthrough. Took some blue lotus and the dmt from a water pipe. Perfect! After 2 light experiences to get used to it again: 70 milligrams. Oh my God!!! That was amazing!! First drag felt like nothing and a slight disappointment came over me. But when I took the second drag with eyes closed the visuals started to show. Different from the first evening. Patterns in purple and lilac. Similar like in a late acid experience. And then a third and I almost burnt my fingers trying to light the pipe. Breakthrough: a yellow lady and some animal-like creatures around and so forth, beautiful!! Came back after 8mins and for another 8mins which felt like forever (much longer and more intense than on the first evening) patterns all over the place. My friend was surely there but almost impossible to look at or focus on. Wow wow wow. Better this time: the room was darkened except for some candles. Sadly: no smile the next day.

My friend then tried it with eyes open and would strongly suggest it.

It comes real fast and would be impossible to get used to if not well informed what might follow. A slow beginning with smaller doses was recommended.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79131
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 28, 2017Views: 1,615
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DMT (18), Mimosa tenuiflora (74) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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